Empty Envelope

756 23 51

**Self Harm TW**


"Is Travis okay?", Ashley asked, twirling her spaghetti noodles on her fork, at the dinner table.

"He hadn't left the room since we got home.... I'm worried about him but I don't want to bother him right now", Sal huffed, taking a sip of his drink.

"Is he up there just drinking?...", Todd pushed up his glasses.

"I don't think so? Unless he's hiding that kind of stuff, he shouldn't have any left in the room", Sal gritted his teeth.

"Well Travis keeps drinking on an empty stomach. You should do something about that", Todd took a bite of pasta.

"He what?", Sal looked up.

"I tried getting him to eat earlier, but no matter what I did.... He just wouldn't eat, and just kept downing down drinks", Todd sighed.

"Oh my god... That guy needs rehab...", Sal shut his eyes for a few moments.


Travis sat on the bed him and Sal shared, doing but nothing but sitting there, staring blankly at the wall, scratching and scratching his wrist.

Scratching the pigment off his skin, digging his nails, deeper and deeper. Small read strokes coming through. And as he continued scratching the wounds opened up more and more, oozing small amounts of blood.

Travis wasn't even paying attention. Too zoned out thinking about the absolute nothingness. Scratching more. More. More and more....


"Travis, Darling?..... Can I come in?", Sal knocked on the bedroom door.

"... Mh~~Hmmmm", Travis murmured behind the door.

Sal sighed, Opening the door. When he first entered the lights were off, and the blue haired boy couldn't see a thing until he flicked them on...

Travis still sat underneath the window on the floor, A knife sitting next to him, dried blood on the wrists still on open wounds.

Sal stood there. In shock. He didn't want to freak out again. But this was so concerning..... What had happened.

"I-I~ I'm sorry....", Travis hiccuped. "I... Didn't mean to, I'm sorry", Tears started to form in the corner of his eyes before he started to chuckle awkwardly. "I didn't want to do this~~....."

"Travis.... What the fuck happened in here.", Sal shut the door behind him.

"I'm sorry!~ okay... I'm- Heugh.... Sorry...", Travis shook his head and adjusted himself so he was on his knees.

"Do I need to get you to a hospital?!", Sal started to become frantic. He walked up to his boyfriend, kneeling before him, grabbing onto his shoulders.

"No! Please no.... I don't, ughhhh, wanna go to another one....", Travis hiccuped, hanging his head down low.

"Travis.... You need help", Sal gritted his teeth, Placing one of his hands on Travis's forehead. "Jesus Christ, you're burning up. Here, come on", Sal stood up, bringing up Travis with him, and leading him over to the bed.

"I'm sorry.... I'm Ngh.... So sorry...", Travis hiccuped.

"You keep saying that. I know, it's alright, don't worry", Sal grabbed the blonde boys arm, looking at the scars on his arm. "I'll be back okay... I'm going to get you some food and some bandages", Sal sighed.

"O-okaymmmmm okay- Thank you... I-I love you", Travis smiled awkwardly, covering his face with his hands shortly afterwards.

"I'll be right back, love"


Sal came back inside around half an hour later, with a bowl of soup, some bread and bandaids.

"Here you go....", Sal said, placing the food onto Travis's lap and he sat on the bed beside him.

"Eck.... Thank you", Travis gagged a little bit.

"Relax... It's going to be alright", The blue haired boy grabbed Travis's arm and started placing bandaids over the wounds. And with Travis's other hand, he lifted the spoon out of the bowl and put it up to his lips.

Travis continued to eat the soup and bread while Sal bandaged him up, until the two were both finished with what they were doing. Sal took the plate from Travis and headed back downstairs.

"How's Travvy holding up?", Todd said, leaning over the kitchen counter, with Ashley.

"He's doing all right. He ate most of his food, which is good", Sal sighed, walking over to the sink and starting to scrub the plate clean.

"Yeah... I really hope he's going to be alright", Ashley adjusted her posture. "Lisa texted me... Her and Henry are at the hospital still."

"Oh... Is Larry alright?", Sal clenched his teeth.

"That's the thing... Apparently this stuff had been going on for awhile. Like, the whole not being able to breath stuff has been going on for awhile, untreated", Ash tilted her head.

"That... Can't be good", Sal bit the inside of his cheek, rinsing off the plate and setting it down on the towel that sat next to the sink.

"Mhm. He's going to be there for awhile... If he doesn't die before that...", Ash said the second part in a murmur.

"What was that?", Sal turned around to look at her"

"But he should be fine!", Ash smiled awkwardly, not wanting to put more pressure on Sal. So much had already happened to him today. She could tell he was close to cracking.

"It's getting late", Todd finally spoke up. "I think we all need a goodnights rest."

"Yeah... Good idea", Sal sighed, exiting the kitchen and heading back upstairs to his and Travis's room.

His boyfriend still sitting on the bed, staring at the bandages on his arms.

"Hey... It's late. We should get some sleep", Sal shut the door with a smile, sitting down next to Travis.

"You're... Not going to send me away... Are you....", Travis said at the brink of tears.

"No, of course not.... As long as you take care of yourself at least", Sal brushed the hair out of Travis's face and gently kissed him on the forehead. "Now let's get some sleep."

*~~A few days later~~*

"Hey! Travis!", Todd yelled up the stair well.

"He's not home right now, what's up?", Sal came up behind him.

"Hm? Oh. Travis got a letter", Todd handed him the envelope.

"A letter... Who sends letters these days?" Sal scoffed flipping it over to examine it.

"I don't know. It's probably important", Todd placed one of his hands on his hip.

"If it was that important, they should have just texted him", Sal scoffed.

"Anyways... Who's it from?", Todd said, turning back around and walking into the kitchen.

"Uhh... It says it's from a girl named... Melissa Phelps? Never heard that name before."

"Hm... Isn't that Travis's last name?", Todd asked from the kitchen.

"I think.... But he doesn't have any sisters or anything like that... Not that I know of", Sal fiddled with the envelope.

"Well don't open it! It's not yours!"

"I know, I know!", Sal projected as he walked up the stairs.

"Melissa... Melissa... Phelps?..... Weird", Sal murmured to himself.

Author's Note:

I'm sorry for not uploading as fast as I use to. I just haven't been in the best place lately :) 👍 But I'm trying to get you all your chapters as soon as possible. And the fanfic should be finished by Christmas if everything goes according to plan! Have a great day

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