My Best Friend

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Travis woke up with a splitting headache, sitting himself up gently and rubbing his head.

"Well good morning sleepy head", Todd was stading infront of him, stirring his mug of coffee.

"Hnnnnggggg, Morning", Travis sat himself up all the way.

"I heard you two arguing last night, is everything alright?" Todd sat down next to Travis, and gently started to rub his back.

"Yeah~ I went out drinking last night... And Sal wasn't happy about it"

"I'm sorry hunny... Sal left a little while ago to go get food. Do you want to stay in the guest room while this all blows over?"

"No... I think I'm just going to go to Phillip's..."

"Who's that?"

"Oh, the friend I went drinking with last night....", Travis bared his teeth.

"Hm... I'll tell Sal you went to Ashley's, and text Ashley to make sure your cover doesn't get blown", Todd ruffed up Travis's hair.

"Thank you so much Todd... Really. For taking me into your home and taking care of me after everything I have done to you"

"People can change. I know that, cause I've seen it happen. I've seen it happen with you too." Todd stood up and walked out to the kitchen before Travis could say anything in response.

✝️: Hey, can I come stay with you for a day or two?

🖤: Yeah, why?

✝️: Sal got mad at me for last night.

🖤: Oh dude I'm sorry about that

✝️: It's fine, I just need a place to stay for a little while everything blows over.

🖤: Yeah, of course. I'll ask my girlfriend rn :)

5 minutes later

🖤: She said it's alright and she's setting up the guest room right now :p

✝️: Thank you so much.

🖤: It's no problem!

✝️: I'm packing some stuff up as we speak.

🖤: Nice, I'll be over in like ten minutes. Is that okay?

✝️: Yeah that's fine. I'll see you soon.

🖤: Okay see you soon buddy!

"Thank you so much for letting me stay here", Travis started to unbuckle his seat belt as Phillip parked the car in the driveway of his house.

"It's really no problem, anything for you dude", Phillip took the keys out of the port and got out of the car, Travis following him out, slinging his backpack behind him.

"So what happened last night?, Is everything gonna be okay?", Phillip said as the two walked to the front door, the blue haired boy starting to unlock the door.

"I was just drunk last night.... Sal wasn't happy about it and thought I was being irresponsible", Travis rubbed his eyes.

"Ah, I'm sorry dude~", Phillip swung open the door.... And that's when Travis heard a familiar voice.

"Hello boys!", A girl said from behind a still slightly closed door.

Travis squinted his eyes, trying to remember where he knew this voice from... And then, Phillip swung the door open.

"Travis, this is my girlfriend, Abby", Phillip's said , shutting the door behind them.

It was her. Her long brown hair, and glossy hazel eyes, Her pale skin.... And she sat on the couch facing the two, her smile quickly turning into a stunned expression after hearing Phillips say the name of this, friend.

"Hi... Abby....", Travis gulped, taking a few steps closer to her.

"No need to be shy!", Phillip chuckled. "I'm gonna go take a shower, and you two can mingle for a little bit"

"Yeah .... Sounds great, hunny", Abby forced a smile onto her face.


The two sat in an award silence, distancing themselves as much as they could on the couch.

"So... How'd you two meet?", Travis finally spoke up.

"Oh, conversation therapy", Abby responded, with a strange smile on her face.

".... Oh.", Travis could feel a pit in his stomach.

"Mhm ..... So what brings you back to Nockfell", Abby brushed off her skirt.

"Uh, my dad... Died a little while ago. I just couldn't stand to be in that place all alone"

"Awe, I'm sorry for your loss. He was a great man", Abby smiled.

"Yeah.... Sure"

"Mhm...", Abby tapped her fingers against her thighs for a moment.

"Have you gotten darker?"

"Excuse me?-"

"You use to be so much paler in highschool, that's all"

"What is that supposed to mean?..."

"Nothing, you just got.... More brown!", Abby said, standing up.

"And that's a bad thing?"

"Well... Kinda? You see, Paler people are just known to be more--- oh what's the word?... Attractive", Abby had a smile on her face the whole time saying that as she made her way to the kitchen.

"What.....", Travis muttered.

"Well you know, like.... You probably haven't been able to find a girlfriend yet, right!? I feel like bleaching your skin would help with that.... What are you again, like black or Mexican?"

"... I'm native?"

"What does that mean?"

"... I'm a Native American-"

"Oh! You mean an Indian!", Abby chuckled, as she started getting food and supplies out from the kitchen cabinets.

"No? Indian's come from India... I'm a Native American"

"So then where do you come from?"


"..... But you're not white!", Abby continued to laugh, and Travis just couldn't figure out what she thought was so funny.

"Any I am... Indeed seeing someone. Who doesn't care about the color of my skin", Travis gritted his teeth.

"Oh, really? What's her name?"

"*His* name is Sal..."

"Oh... It's a... Boy?"


"Well I just assumed you would have gone to conversion camp as well! Especially after I told your dad everything..."

"What do you mean?"

"Oh! I told him about how you played me, and then left me for a boy", Abby was mixing something now in a large bowl.

"That was yo-", Travis hushed himself. He didn't want to talk about this anymore. It was a good thing he left her, or else maybe now he would have been in the same position as Phillip....


"Yeah, of course! Your room is upstairs to the right. Just come get us if you need anything!", Phillip said after the three finished dinner.

"Yeah... Thank you", Travis took his backpack, and made his way upstairs to the guest room.... He couldn't stay another day here.

(( I'M SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING, I didn't forget about y'all, I swear. I just haven't been motivated. But here you go guys!!! ))

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