Back Again

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The car ride back to Phillip's house was sad and awkward. The sky got dark early do to the hovering thick dark clouds in the sky. It looked like it was gonna be a bad storm.

No one talked the entire drive. Just the two in the front seats staring at the empty wet road infront of them. Rain drops dripping onto the windshield.

Finally, Phillip pulled up into his driveway and parked the car, taking the keys out of the ignition.

"You go head on in. The door should be unlocked. I'm gonna stop by the store real quick and get some beer", Phillip said, fiddling with the keys.

"Oh alright. Thank you", Travis nodded and unbuckled his seatbelt, and exiting his car. Standing infront if the front door for a few minutes before slowly swinging it open and shutting it closed behind him.

"Hey...", Abby sat on the couch and didn't look up from her embroidery stitches she was working on. Until pulling her needle all the way down and looked up with a tired expression.
"Would you like some tea?"

"Oh um, sure. That would be nice", Travis smiled.

Abby nodded and set down her embroidery on the couch and stood up, walking to the kitchen, Travis ominously following her.

"I want to apologize for everything I said", Abby grabbed the kettle off the kitchen counter and going to the sink to refill it with water. "I wasn't trying to be creepy or anything... And I know you're in a relationship.... The thing is" Abby sighed. Placing the top of the kettle on and setting in into her gas stove, setting off the open flame.

"Phillip and I are in a rough patch", Abby rubbed her thigh awkwardly. "I want kids.... He doesn't. It's a whole thing. And I'd like to have them before I turn thirty..." She chuckled sadly. "And to have kids, we have to get married and he says he's not ready for that kind of commitment.... Travis.... We had something special back then"

"It wasn't special... It was comp-het-", Travis sighed.

"Oh? And what does that mean?", Abby said, heading over to her cupboards and taking out two mugs.

"I only thought I liked you... I wanted my dad to be proud of me"

"Oh... Travis. I'm really sorry about telling your father about what happened. I was hurt. I was ready for a relationship and I loved you.... I watched you pass the halls every day, stared at you in class... But. You never noticed me until that day in the art room. I really thought you liked me.... I really wanted you to like me"

"I-I'm sorry Abby...", Travis made out before their was a crack of thunder outside.

"Oh dear. Things look like they might get bad.... Hey, where did Phillip go?".

"Oh, he dropped me off and told me he was going to the store..."

The tea kettle started to whistle.

"Well I do hope he's alright.... Mint or Lavender?"

"Mint please"

Abby turned the stove off and grabbed an oven mitt to pour the hit water into the mugs, placing the tea bags into the water.

"Anyways... As I was saying. I really liked you, and you never left my mind- I spent forever trying to figure out where you had gone only to find out you moved.... And never told me. I was hurt, I wanted you- I still want you..."

"Abby- I'm in a serious relationship right now..."

Abby sighed.

"Would you be with me... If you weren't with him?..."

"I-I don't know. It's hard to think like that, I'm happy with who I'm with now"

Abby sighed.

"Come add your sugar"


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