Unknown Number

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Sal laid in bed, the electric clock on his nightstand, buzzing in red, 3:27 am. He hadn't gotten a wink of sleep.

The three had broken into the Phelps church. Well not broken into ... One of the windows was smashed open, inviting them, or at least that's what Larry said, inside, And Todd couldn't protest.

So in the three had went, into the old dusty church. Cobwebs on every corner of the ceiling, peeling carpet, dead flowers, Mud tracks, broken wood and glass on the floor. It was a complete mess. And on the rubble of it all Sal had found something, and old picture. It rested on the floor next to a poster board, all the other pictures still stuck to it, but the images torn and battered.

But this one, looked clean, except for a rip in the corner of if, that tore out someone's face, and there in the picture, was young Travis Phelps. Probably not much older than eight or nine in the photo. The biggest smile on his face. If only the world wasn't so cruel.

Sal had wanted so badly to take the picture with him, to have Travis, one way or another, close to him. Even for a little bit. But he left it, it's where it belonged. And he couldn't stand waking up every morning to see a photo of Travis on his nightstand instead of the boy in bed laying next to him.

He was alone now. Like he always way. In bed... *Buzz* He rolled overz clicking his phone on.

*Unknown number*

⬛: Hey, I'm sorry I know it's late and you probably don't want to talk to me. But I just landed in Nockfell.... I was wondering if you wanted t hang out. :)

💙: I think you have the wrong number, sorry dude

Wait... Nockfell... This person was here? Why were they messaging him.

⬛: Oh... I'm sorry, I didn't even think of that.

💙: Of what?

⬛: This use to be my friends number, I forgot he could have gotten a new number. I'm sorry for bothering you.

💙: Well what was there name?

⬛: Sal, Sal Fisher.

💙: ....
💙: Who is this?

⬛: Why do you ask?

💙: ... Cause this is Sal Fisher..

⬛: Oh.
⬛: Sal, It's Travis.

💙: Travis?

⬛: Phelps.
⬛: Travis Phelps.

💙: ... You...

⬛: I'm still at the airport :) I'm waiting for a bus.

💙: Don't get on the bus

⬛: Why?

💙: I'll be there in like twenty minutes, I'll have Larry take me to get you.

⬛: You're still friends with him?

💙: Yeah :)

⬛: Not surprising...

💙: I'll be there soon, I promise

⬛: I can't wait to see you.

💙: Travis?

⬛: Yes?

💙: I missed you....

⬛: I miss you too :)

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💙: LAR!

🖌️: go to sleep

💙: This is important! Please

🖌️: What?

💙: Can you come pick me up?

🖌️: Why?

💙: Travis messaged me

🖌️: And?

💙: He's at the airport! C'mon. We have to pick him up!!

🖌️: Can't he just take a bus?


🖌️: fine, i'll be there in 10, be ready when I get there.

Sal was finally going to be able to see him again...

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