Empty Paint Bottles

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*~ A year later ~*

"I do!", Todd said, a smiled swept across his face.

"You may now... Kiss the groom", The priest said, closing the book he was reading from.

Todd and Neil standing infront of him, grabbing into eachother, kissing eachother deeply. The whole crowd clapping.

"Ew! Yucky!", Soda spat out her tongue and covered her eyes.

"Soda! That's not very nice of you. Why is it so Yucky?", Sal said, ruffling up her hair.

"Because they're both boys!", She crossed her arms.

"That's why it's yucky?", Sal giggled.

"Mhm! Cause everyone knows you're only supposed to kiss girls!", Soda said, lifting her head up.

"Oh? Am I supposed to kiss girls?", Sal asked.

"You can if you wanna.... But I mean *I'm* supposed to kiss all the girls!", Soda placed her hands on the chest.

"Once you're older, you can kiss all the girls you want", Maple said, picking up her daughter. "But for now, the only thing you should be using your mouth for is Mac n cheese. Now let's go dance!", She tickled her gently and headed off to the dance floor.

Ashley grabbed onto Sal's hand, "Wanna dance?"

"Dancing is stupid", He turned around to look at her.


"Okay fine, but just because I love you", Sal kisses her gently on the cheek and the two got up and headed to the dance floor with the rest of the crowd.

He grabbed onto her waste and pulled her in, the two swaying side to side.

"How you holding up?", Ashley tilted her head.

"It could be better... What about you?"

"Same...", She huffed, leaning her head on his shoulder. "Do you think they'd be okay with us being together?"

"I think all they wanted was for us to be happy.... Are you happy?"


"Then they'll be okay", He rubbed her back gently.

Ashley life's her head up, and looked at Sal, the two still Swaying side to side.

"Hey guys!", Lisa came up the the two of them, pulling Ash away to give her a hug.

"So when's the due date again? I just can't wait for my grandbabies!"

"Well, She'll be due in four months!", Ashley chuckled, placing her hands on her stomach.

  "Awe! I'm so excited", Lisa said, putting her hands on Ashley's belly as well.

Without warning Sal was pulling into a hug by his father.

"Lisa's making Lasagna tomorrow night if you two want to come over for dinner!", He said, a smile on his face.... It had been so long since Sal had seen that.

"Awe! That would be amazing! Thank you", Ashley smiled.

"Well, we'll let you get back to your thing!", Lisa said, before the two left.

"I'm sorry about Mo- Lisa... She's always baby crazy", Sal chuckled.

"Oh no! I really appreciate how invested she is in out baby", Ash smiled.

Sal leaned into Ash, bringing her into a gentle kiss.

"I'm going to go get a drink. I'll be right back", Sal said, before walking off.

He was happy. Yeah it's hard getting over everything that happened. But now... He had something to live for, he had reason. He was finally at peace.

The crazy thing is. He would be in the same spot today, if Travis had never come back to Nockfell, never contacted him, never stayed with him that night. Nothing much would have changed. Except Larry and Travis being alive.... Even if Travis was out of his life in the universe. He wasn't in his life... And when Sal thought about it like that, he felt a little better about it.

And that's all Sal ever wanted.

*That's all folks*

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