Stormy Nights

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Travis was alone, and unable to sleep. A storm had started brewing not long after Sal had left the house, And Travis wasn't sure what to do. He was alone now, and it's not like he was exactly friends with Neil and Todd.

He could hear the two giggling and talking, faintly downstairs. He wanted to join them... But it wasn't his place. He didn't want to disturb the two having fun. They deserved it, he didn't.

Travis sat himself up on the bed, looking out the window on the other side of the room, the curtains blowing gently as the rain outside pattered on the window seel, small thunder claps in the background.

He fucked up. He had the chance to speak up- Say something.... Make things right.

Travis sighed, tugging at the collar of his shirt in an irritated manner. That was it, when Sal got back, that's what he had to do, he had to talk to him. They couldn't just live like this... Live together, and sleep in the same bed.... And just call eachother friend's, when they both had this feeling for eachother, They couldn't deny it.


"Why did you just.... Leave him like that", Larry groaned, sitting down criss crossed on the floor of his bedroom.

"I got frustrated- he's not taking any hits....", Sal said, holding onto the covered of the bed he was sitting on.

"... Did you give him, any hints?"

".... Fair enough- I just wished he would bring it up, and talk t me about it... About these stupid feelings."

"Dude, Maybe you need to try communicating with him. He's been through alot, and he's still getting used to everything. But, what do I'm know...", Lady stood up, grabbing his box of cigarettes off his dresser.

"Yeah you're right...", Sal sighed.

"I'm gonna go outside and have a smoke, want one?", Larry offered ass he pulled one out of the box, holding it out to his friend after he did so.

"No... I shouldn't", Sal clenched his teeth.

"Suit yourself", Larry put the cigarette between his lips and walked over to the door.

"Be careful out there, the rain sounds heavy", Sal warned.

  "All be fine", Larry left, leaving Sal alone to his own devices. The silence overwhelming him, and the faint pitter-patter of the rain from outside.

Sal snatched his phone, and looking at the time -12:14- he briefly sighed and opened it, going to his text messages.

💙: I'm sorry

✝️: For what?

💙: Leaving :/

✝️: It's fine, it doesn't matter.

💙: Ik but I still feel bad.

💙: Are you okay?

✝️: Yeah, I'm fine.

💙: Are you sure?

✝️: Yeah. :)

💙: I'll be home in the morning

✝️: Oh, alright.

💙: And when I do we really need to talk

✝️: About what?

💙: Yk...

✝️: ?

✝️: Oh.

💙: Yeah, well. Sleep well :)

✝️: You too. Have fun at Larry's.

Sal closed his phone and set it beside him with a sigh. Sal pulled the covers over his face so he wouldn't have to bother getting up and turning the lights off. He had a long day, and he just wanted it to end already, even if this wasn't the way he planned, he just needed the sleep.


Once Travis's and Sal's conversation ended, Travis plugged his phone in and slid under the covers, the thunder slowly getting powder and louder, but it was comforting for Travis, and he soonly fell asleep.


(( Hi everyone :) I hope you're enjoying the fic so far, so I'm just gonna put a little update here. I'm working very hard to finish this fanfiction, and I promise you'll have the happy ending you all wanted, you just have to be patient. And I'm going on a short trip, 4 hours to and back, so I'm gonna have plenty of time to work on this fic, even if I don't update immediately, I'll be working on it. Anyways, that's all I wanted to say, and I hope you all are having a great day ))

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