Happy Pills

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"Nghh-", Travis rolled himself over, rubbing out the sleepyiness out of his eyes before he sat up, looking around the room.

That's right. Him and Sal had gone to bed the previous night, side by side. It was probably the best sleep he had, had in ages.

But unlike when he had fallen asleep, The blue haired boy wasn't laying next to him. He wasn't anywhere in sight.

Travis knew it wasn't his place to wander the house to look for him, But he didn't want to be alone. Not right now.

Travis finished getting dressed, Sal still not back.

Travis gently opened the door and walked out into the quiet hallway, where he heard quiet chatter down below.

"Yeah- I think he's still sleeping", Sal said as Travis was walking down the stairs.

He wasn't quite sure where to go, so he followed the voices of his friends and a faint familiar voice into the kitchen.

"And I-.... Oh hi Travis", Sal awkwardly turned around, mug in hand. He was leaning against a counter top that sat in the middle of the kitchen area. Todd on the other side, leaning over the counter, mug in hand as well.

"Hi, Travis", Todd scoffed gently.

"Oh... Hi", Travis rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm sorry for coming down here- I've been awake for awhile and Sal hadn't come back yet so..."

"You let him sleep in your bed?", Todd chuckled as he took a sip from the mug he was holding.

Sal glared at him.

"It's fine dude, You live here now. It's best if you get to know your surroundings", Sal smiled, The scars on the corner of his mouth, stretching it out.

"Live... Here..."

"You're lucky you're boyfriend is a good friend, and very persuasive", Todd stood up straight, taking a final sip from the mug and placing the empty container into the sink.

"Yeah...", Travis agreed quietly.

"Anyways, Neil will be back at four, And then us two are going to be leaving around five and be home around ten", Todd straightened his shirt. "Ashley's also coming over today to paint the garage, and Maple's bringing by Soda in a few hours", Todd looked over at the two for a few seconds before walking off.

"Who's Soda?", Travis asked once Todd was out of the room.

"That's Maple and Chugs kid... Maple and Chugs have dinner plans so I agreed to watch over her a few days ago", Sal took another sip.

"Right- Well I'm going to use the bathroom. Mind telling me where that is?"

"Upstairs, second door to the right. I have a spare towel in my closet two, it's the tan one, if you need it", Sal looked down in his mug and went over to place it in the sink.

"Okay- Thanks Sal .... And can you tell Todd and Neil that I'm thankful that they're letting me stay here", Travis nodded at his friend and walked off, back upstairs to grab the towel to go take a shower.

He had found a home. Not only a home that he felt safe in. But a home with the boy he loved... Even if they couldn't be together.

They were supposed to talk about that last night. Take about their feelings and sort everything out. But Travis couldn't talk about that yet, made up a stupid excuse. He wasn't even tired that night. Just anxious.

He hated the word dating. It seemed like a stupid way to deal with feelings. But maybe that was just because he never knew love. Never understood how it worked.

His mother was in a loveless marriage with someone who constantly beat her. I guess Travis just felt like he would end up getting the same if he fell into this stupid ritual people would do when they were "In Love"

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