I'm Not Leaving

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"Are you awake?-", Sal slowly creaked open his bedroom door where Travis was laying, half asleep.

"Hm... Oh yeah...", Travis sat up, rubbing the sleepyiness from his eyes.

"I'm sorry for leaving last night. I'm bad at communicating", Sal shut the door and sat next to Travis.

"Mhm...  Me too", Travis yawned, placing his hand on Sal's thigh.

"We need to talk about this now, or else we'll never talk about it again... How do you feel about me", Sal huffed.

"I... Like you? I guess", Travis muttered, a bit anxious.

"That means nothing...", Sal complained.

"Well, what do you want me to say", Travis rubbed his face.

"I don't know.... That you're madly in love with me, That this entire time you've been waiting years just to see me again, and then you want nothing more to be with me", Sal placed the palm of his hand on his face.

"Oh.... Is that.... Is that how you feel", Travis bared his teeth.

".... Maybe", Sal huffed, moving his hand away and turning to look at Travis.

"Well, then I feel the same way", Travis tried to avoid eye contact.

"Are you just saying that?", Sal's heart was racing.

"No... It's true", Travis finally looked at Sal.


"Now what ....", Travis sighed.

"I'm not sure...", Sal put his hand on top of Travis's.

"I just don't like labels....", Travis continued.

"Oh.", Sal sighed sharply.

"I'm sorry- it's just... I hate it, it makes me feel like I'll be put in the same position as my mom... Even by just saying I love someone"

"... Travis, I promise. I'm not going to hurt you like that, And I'm not going to leave you, I'm not going to do anything to you, that you wouldn't want me to", Sal placed his hand on Travis's cheek.


"I promise"



"I love you...."

"I love you too"


Todd sat on the couch watching tv, munching on a bag of chips that sat in his arms.

"Hey dude", Sal walked down the stairs and into the living room, Running his hand against the banester.

"Oh hey, what's up? Did you leave last night? The door was unlocked when I woke up", Todd said, sitting up a little.

"Oh shit, sorry, I must have forgotten...", Sal walked past and plopped himself next to Todd.

"Yeah, well you need to start remembering. I don't want us to die next", Todd complained.

"Right", Sal examined the room. "Neil at work?"

"Yup, left a few hours ago"

"Nice... Nice..."

"So what's up with you and Travis", Todd glared at Sal.

"What do you mean...."

"So you just invited him here, and sleep in the same bed with him? And that's it"

".... Is there a problem with that?"

"No, it's just. What's going on?"

"Why does it matter to you?"

"It's my house."

"It's my love life"

"I knew it!" Todd chuckled.

"Wait... What"

"So you guys are dating"

"No no no...", Sal grunted.

"Mhm, right", Todd looked back over to the TV.

"I mean, we love eachother... But we're not dating."

"Why not?", Todd kept looking at the tv.

"It's just complicated. We aren't ready for labels yet", Sal sighed.

"Okay, well there's condoms in my dresser drawer if you need them", Todd chuckled a little.

"Excuse me?...", Sal was caught off guard.

"Just cause you're gay doesn't mean you're prevented from STD's", Todd waved his hand awkwardly.

"I'm not gay", Sal stood up.

"Yeah, whatever, gay-boy", Todd continued to laugh.


Sal slammed the bedroom door closed.

"Woah! Is everything okay...", Travis said, closing the book he was just reading.

"Yeah, Todd's being stupid", Sal walked over to the bed and sat next to Travis once again.

"Why?", Travis tiled his head.

Sal sat there in silence for a second, thinking about what he was complaining about, before realizing, bringing it up would just make everything alot more complicated.

"It's nothing important", Sal fell onto his back, looking at the ceiling.

"Hm... Alright", Travis huffed.

"Hey, Travvy", Sal spoke up.


"Um... Do you wanna go out with me tonight"

"What do you mean?"

"Like grab dinner.... See a movie....",

"Like a date?"

".... Yeah"

"I'd love to", Travis smiled.

"Really?", The blue haired boy sat up abruptly.

"Yeah, of course. Why wouldn't I"

"I don't know, everything's just, complicated right now"

"Yeah... Do you still wear your mask... I mean prosthetic, out of the house", Travis gently placed his hand on Sal's scared face.

"Yeah, I've gone without it a few times, and it hasn't been the worst experience, just not the best", Sal tilted his head.

"Um, Is it okay if I go to Larry's for a bit, before tonight....", Sal stood up.

"Yeah, I don't mind", Travis smiled and opened his book back up.

"Cool", Sal muttered before leaving the room and darting down the stairs.

"Where are you going?", Todd asked as Sal went over to the from door.

"Larry's?", Sal looked over at him, a little annoyed.

"K, you better come back in one piece", He raised one of his hands to emphasize his point.

"Got it! Later loser!", Sal opened the door.

"Later dude!", Todd said just before Sal left the living room, and shut the door behind him. Making his way down the street to Larry's house.

As embarrassing as it was Sal never went on a real date before, nothing like this. And even though it was probably a terrible idea, He thought Larry could give him good advice, even though he was straight, and Todd probably would have been better in this case. But Sal was abit annoyed with him, and didn't feel like telling him any more than he already knew.

Down the street he walked until he finally got the the Addison apartment's, The place he practically grew up... And the place him and Travis had first ever hung out with either.... Not that long ago, even if it felt like forever for the blue haired boy.

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