The End Of The World

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"Have you heard anything from Sal yet?", Todd asked, looking up from his plate and over at Travis.

"Nope....", Travis said from across the table. Looking up from the food he hadn't touched.

"You really need to eat something. You'll feel sick with nothing but liquor in your stomach", Todd sighed.

"I feel naesues", Travis pushed his bowl of soup out infront of him.

"That's because you haven't eaten.... When was the last time you ate something", Todd tilted his head.

"Uhhh last night I think?", Travis stretched his head, more small clumps of blonde falling out.

Todd could do nothing but sigh at that response.

"Please eat", Todd picked up his plate and stood up, walking over to the sink.


"Please eat", Ash sighed, while her and Sal sat at a round table in an almost empty hospital cafeteria.

"Not hungry. This food looks disgusting anyways", Sal tilted his head, looking down at the plate. "Does it look like human to you?"

"Oh, stop it. You're paranoid, I get it. But it's not the end of the world"

Except, that's was how it felt. Not just to Sal, but to Ashley too, who was the one to reassure him about this fact. That's how it felt for Lisa and Larry too. They all just couldn't process what was going on.

"Hello, Sal, Ashley", Lisa had pulled up a chair right next to the two, pale as ever, but still her timeless grim pressed against her face.

"Hey, Lisa ..... Is Larry alright?", Ash said, poking her fork into the mysterious meat Sal had been so worried about.

"Yeah, he woke up a few moments ago.... He's light headed but fine right now. The nurse is getting him something to eat, and she said he should be out of here in no time!"


"Yup! He's doing all right.... Were you guys aware he was smoking?"

"Uh, yeah.... We didn't know how bad it would get though! It seemed to be an occasional thing, not an everyday type thing", Sal huffed.

"Are you and Larry still a thing?", Lisa kept on asking questions.

"Mhm", Ashley nodded.

Lisa sighed quietly, crossing her legs over eachother.


Travis sat on the floor of his and Sal's room, leaning against a wall, light peering through the window that stood above him.

Todd had left to go have lunch with Neil on his lunch break, so Travis was all by himself, with nothing to stop him from doing any of the bad stuff he urged to do.

He kept trying to convince himself he didn't need to do these things, but bottle after bottle, and cig after cig, he couldn't stop himself. He craved this feeling, almost missed it.

He hadn't done this kind of stuff since his dad died. He use to go out partying every week, trying to fill that empty part in his heart, with drugs and alcohol, sleeping with random girls. But when he came back to Nockfell, Sal was able to fill that up. But why did he feel this way again?

He had been doing fine for so long, but something just kicked in again. He wasn't happy like this. He had finally done what he had wanted to do since he was a teen.... And now, he regretted it.


Sal and Ashley sat on two plastic chairs outside of the hospital room Larry was in, while Lisa and the nurse were in there with him.

The nurse walked out, her head tilted as she looked at the two.

"Your friend...", She spoke up. "He's going to have to stay with us for a few more days.... You two should go home and get some rest"

"Is everything alright?", Ashley stood up slowly.

"He's just having a lot of trouble breathing.... We just need to wait until we have more breathers he can take home.", The nurse nodded and walked off.

"I'll call my dad to see if he can pick us up", Sal stood up, pulling his phone out of his pocket.

"Is it alright if I stay with you guys tonight? I don't feel like going home", Ashley sighed.

"Yeah, of course. I'm sure nobody would mind", Sal said nodding, putting his cell phone up to his ear.


"Hey Travis, I'm h- what the fuck.", Sal blurted out as he entered his room, gritting his teeth once he saw Travis sitting on the floor, with empty cans and bottles around him.

"How many times have I told you to stop drinking?! It's not good for you", Sal slammed the door shut, going up to his partner and grabbing the bottle out of his hand.

"Ugha~ Why does it consssern you so mush...", Travis lifted his head up.

"Why do you think, huh?! Now clean up this god damn mess....", Sal shook his head, heading over back to the bedroom door, to see a pack of cigarettes, half empty sitting on the pillows on the bed.

"Wow....", Sal muttered, grabbing the box and heading downstairs to throw them away.

He wasn't mad, just frustrated. He was about to loose his best friend, his brother. And now was he about to loose this boy he had been in love with for so long? He just couldn't stand it.

Everything around him was falling apart, and all Sal could do, was sit down, and watch the world burn around him, while he just had to sit there, and except it.

He was slowly falling into his hole of relapse, while watching everyone else around him do this same. But he had to much on the table right now.

He couldn't leave, not with everyone else still needing him.

As Sal dropped the bottle and box of cigarettes in the trash, he saw the old healed scars on his wrist, clenching his teeth at the sight.


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