Is It Meant To Be?

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The two sat on the kitchen bar stools for a few moments drinking their tea, listening to the harsh rains and thunder claps coming from outside.

Abby's phone began to rang, and picked it up.


"Oh, are you alright?"

"It's really that bad?!"

"No, I haven't looked outside"

"Okay, I'll see you later"

"I love you"

She hung up the phone.

"Is something wrong?" Travis asked.

"No. Phillip's just stuck at the gas station.... Apparently the roads are flooded.

"Oh shit.... I hope everything alright"

"Yeah..." Abby sighed, pushing her mug farther infront of her, and stood up. Pulling a pack of cigarettes out of her pocket. "Do you smoke?"

"uh .... No"

"Oh", Abby pulled out a slim cigarette and placed it between her lips, grabbing another one and handing it to Travis. "Want one anyways?"

"Sure", Travis grinned, grabbing the cig.

Abby smiled back at him, using her head to gesture Travis to follow her.

The two walked upstairs and into the master bedroom, and onto the hooded balcony just beyond it.

"Here you go, my dear", Abby lit a bright yellow lighter, covering half of it with her hands so with wind wouldn't blow the flame out.

Travis lit his cigarette, Abby soon following.

Travis watches Abby take in a deep huff, watching the rain with a full expression on her face, before blowing the smoke out of her mouth.

Travis followed her example, hacking out all the smoke after a deep inhale, causing Abby to chuckle.

"Sorry~ I really don't smoke", Travis said, taking in a shorter drag.

"It's alright", Abby said, flicking off the ashes onto the floor, dropping the rest of the short stick on the ground, and crushing it with her shoe.

Travis watched, still smoking the rest of his cigarette until it was nothing but the butt. Following the same instructions Abby did.

Abby stood there, arms crossed, staring at the pouring rain infront if them.

"You should stay the night, it's not safe to go out their right now", she sighed.

"Ha, ya think?", Travis smiled.

He felt safe with her again. Like he did when they first met. But he wasn't using her. He didn't feel guilty about it. He felt good, and happy and at peace.


"I can drive you home in the morning... Do you have enough pillows?", Abby stood at the front door of the guest room.

"Yes, thank you", Travis nodded, laying on the king sized bed.

"Okay, I'll leave you alone now. Come get me if you need anything", Abby left the room, shutting the door behind her.


💙: Are you okay?

✝️: Yeah, I'm at Phillip's and Abby's. I can't get home because of the flood.

💙: Yeah ik. Are you three okay?

✝️: Just two.

💙: Two?

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