46) Craig Tucker x Reader

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Turning the Tables

I sat up, head resting in my hand thinking about how that asshole had the nosiest neighbors in the world. I bit my lip, trying my hardest to keep the thoughts out of my mind. I lightly slapped my cheeks, begging to anything that could hear my pleas to help me focus on the conversation in front of me. I looked forward, seeing the odd looks I was getting from my friends. 

"What the fuck is your issue today, weirdo?" Cartman asked me. 

I rolled my eyes. "None of your fuckin' business fatass." My face turned red. "I just, was thinking of some stuff is all."

Craig was smirking, his hand tangling my hair as I was gasping for air. "That's it princess, just a little more for me." He purred, pushing his shaft further down my throat and moaning in satisfaction. 

I shook my head, ignoring everyone else's comments. I didn't have to explain SHIT and I'll be damned if they think I will. I crossed my arms, obviously red in the face. "I could crawl into a hole and die with embarrassment right now. You wouldn't understand anyways fatty because you couldn't get laid even if you paid someone!" I growled at Cartman. 

"Oh hoho, you fucked someone last night didn't you?"

I smacked my forehead. "That isn't your concern!"

I looked behind him, seeing Craig holding his hat in one hand and running his hand through his still sexed up hair. Oh my god, I'd do it all again tonight too if he wanted me to. "Hey Craig! Finally someone with some sense of privacy to add into the conversation."

Everyone turned to the raven haired teenager making his way to us all. His dark blue eyes locked onto me with a flicker of lust running through them. 

I whimpered as Craig slowed his pace, my eyes pleading with him to just answer my cries for more. "Use your words baby, how will I know what you want if you don't tell me?"

I couldn't take this, my mind is so hazy and desperate for the knot to untie. He finally realized I was truly at a loss for words and smirked again, leaving a bright red hickey on my collar bone. "Just a little more baby, you can take it."

I pulled my hood up over my head as he stood close beside me. The smell of sex was so evident on him it was almost enough to take me out on the spot. I huffed, feeling hot although the air was cold and crisp in this little mountain town. I couldn't deal with the heat and immediately starting stripping the hoodie off my barely clothed body. My bright red hickey and various bite marks quickly exposed. 

"Looks like you had a really good time, (Y/n)." Craig asked in a sultry tone.

I shivered slightly as his hand rubbed against the various bites he had left on me. "Seems like someone was a good girl last night." He said again, closer to my ear.

He had flipped us over, his hard dick hitting deeper inside of me. I rolled my hips, moans escaping my lips. "Ah~ Good girl," Craig growled at me, his voice deep. "right there baby girl, that's right." 

He had reached up at that moment and grabbed a handful of my hair to pull, finally getting me over the edge. "That's it, that's my dirty girl." He smirked, finishing himself shortly after. 

"You gotta cut me some slack here Craig, I can barely walk today from being a good girl for you." I smirked back, his face turning red with the shocked gasps throughout the gang of idiots. 

I smirked feeling accomplished at his utter disbelief that I had suddenly gotten dominant. He quickly shook it off, smirking at me. "Guess we'll do it again soon."

(It's short I know, but it's a part until I can get some written uwu) 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2021 ⏰

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