11) Kenny McCormick x Reader

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A/N: So update everyone, I went to warped tour 2018 in Nashville, had the time of my life and never thought I would ever get to go! It was fun as shit!

I Love You, (Y/n)

I danced around with my cousin Butters in his new flower shop. Although we were both in our 20s, we still played like we were 8 again. "Oh my gosh! These tiger lilies are gorgeous Butters!"

"W-Well thank you (Y/n)!" He said cheerfully.

"I'll go into the back and get a vase for them, okay? I'll be right back!"

*Kenny's POV*

I walked down the street, familiar faces passing by as I stopped at Butters' flower shop. When I opened the door I was greeted by the bell ringing. "Oh h-hi Kenny!"

"Hey Butters, what's up? Do you wanna hang out with me? The guys are busy doing stuff I can't afford." I said sheepishly while rubbing the back of my neck.

"I would love to but my cousin just moved here from Kentucky and I have to help her learn all this flower stuff, you can show my cousin around if you want to!"

"Your cousin? I don't know Butters."

"A-ha! I found the vase Butterball!" said a faint voice.

I looked towards the storage room door and watched as an angelic figure walks backwards, opening the door with her back. I shook my head and grabbed the vase from her small hands. My face was burning and I instantly knew that it was a blush. "O-Oh! Hello! I'm (Y/n), (Y/n) (L/n). Butterball's cousin! Thanks for taking that stranger, it was kinda heavy."

I stood there, mouth agape and gazing at her. Butters walked towards us and tapped my arm as he walked by. "R-Right, Butters cousin. Uh, his female cousin."

She giggled, taking the vase back and placing it behind me on the floor. "Well, yeah, I mean, if you would consider me to be female."

"Consider? You look as delicate as one of these flowers (Y/n)!" Butters said loudly.

She laughed, tucking a loose strand of her (h/c) hair behind her ear. "Well, I guess you got me there Butterball. So," she turned to look into my eyes. "what's your name?"

"I'm Kenneth McCormick, but please" I grabbed her hand and kissed her knuckles softly. "call me Kenny."

A smile made its way onto her gentle features, and God, it made my heart flutter for the first time in my life. "I can show you around if you want me to. I'll wait outside so I can smoke a cigarette, if you want me to just call my name beautiful."

I walked out of the store, grabbing my Marlboro pack out of my pocket. I looked at the cigarette and decided to light it.

*Reader's POV*

I heard bells ringing in the distance when this blond beauty was speaking to me. I was excited to see what he would show me. "Oh Butters, he's dreamy."

I noticed Butters doing his typical nervous habits. I sighed. "What's up Butterball?"

"Now, I like Kenny and all, but I want you to be careful (Y/n)! He's trouble! Just look at him out there puffing on cancer! I know how sensitive you are and I don't want you getting hurt by him!"

I smiled, admiring his boldness for telling me. "That's very noble of you Butters, but I'm 22 years old, I can take care of myself. You're becoming a brave young paladin Butters."

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