7) Craig Tucker x Reader {Smut}

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*Warning* This part will talk about marijuana and the smoking of it. ((I mean it's south park, Towlie had to have influenced those kids somehow or another, plus it's common at parties from what I've seen on TV)) this is also a lemon! You have been warned, please enjoy.

Picture Perfect Family (Craig Tucker x Reader)

This party was not where (Y/n) wanted to be, but her friends insisted that she come.

"It'll be fun," (Y/n) mocked. "You'll like it!"

(Y/n) rolled her eyes, already done with this stupid party. Rolling her eyes she noticed the large amount of smoke around her. She followed the smoke looking at the group of teenagers smoking weed in the corner. She smiled when she saw Craig. He was the real reason she even came here. She walked towards him, tapping him on the shoulder. "Hey."

Craig looked at her, his eyes slightly red from smoking. He smiled, patting the spot on the couch next to him. "Hey (Y/n)."

Craig was definitely different when he smoked, he wasn't so... bored? (Y/n) sat beside him, pulling her lighter out of her pocket.

"Wanna hit this?" Craig asked, offering a rolled cigar to her.

She nodded, taking the stoner stick and puffing on it. A sense of calm and confidence began to wash over her. "So," she started, hitting it one more time and passing it to Token. "I thought you weren't gonna come to this stupid party."

Craig leaned back, setting his arm on the back of the couch behind (Y/n). He looked at the girl sitting next to him. "I thought you wasn't smoking anymore." He simply stated.

"Hmm.. I see, good point." She leaned back with him, watching as he grabbed the rolled cigar and hit it.

(Y/n) couldn't help but feel weird when she watched him blowing 'O's into the air above him. "I guess people change their mind."

He looked at her. "I guess they do, I'm glad to see you here though."

She took the cigar and smiled. "I actually only came for two reasons."

Craig sat up, leaning on his legs. "What's the reasons? Someone here you wanna bang?"

(Y/n)'s face turned a bright red. "W-What?!" She choked on the smoke, which started a coughing fit.

Craig laughed, patting her back to try and help ease her coughing. "So there is someone here you wanna bang." He said, a glint of jealousy flashing in his eyes.

"Well yeah, but.. He probably isn't interested in me anyway so there's not really any point." She rubbed her neck lightly, looking at Clyde who decided to roll another one. "I'm gonna have so many people to match with after tonight.."

"Well, why don't you talk to the guy you wanna fuck? Maybe he wants to fuck you too." Craig said, a hint of discomfort in his tone.

(Y/n) had a light bulb moment. This was the perfect time to spill the beans and dammit she was going to flirt up a storm with the raven haired hottie beside her.

"Why? I'm already talking to him." She stated confidently.

The group of stoners stopped what they were doing and looked at (Y/n), a look of shock on their faces.

Craig growled at the staring teens and looked at (Y/n) himself with a sly smirk. "So it's my dick you want?"

"I most definitely want your dick Craig." (Y/n) purred.

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