25A) Stan Marsh x Reader

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Pacify Her

Music blared loudly from seventeen year old (Name)'s room. The spunky girl was going over the lyrics one more time for her performance the next day at school. She had already memorized all the words to 'Pacify Her', she was just so nervous she had to make sure she knew the words. She flopped onto her bed, her back making contact and causing the mattress to scoot and hit the headboard.

Good God was she was so nervous, a frightened and angered look on her gentle face. Why was she performing tomorrow at school? Because her bitch cousin Wendy had stolen the guy of her dreams, the Stan Marsh. She grew angry at the thought of Wendy breaking his heart and embarrassing him in front of the whole school. Again.

"I hate you Wendy Testaburger, I will get my revenge. I will save Stan, even if its the last thing I do." She looked at the picture of her and Stan from a few years ago at her pool party, grabbing it in her hands and sighing. "I promise Stan, I'll save you from her evil grip."

(Reader's POV/ Next Day)

I nervously stood beside Skye and Katria. We were standing in the middle of the gym floor next to PC Principal waiting for him to stop rambling on and on about triggers.

"Blah blah cursing, blah blah woman shaming, blah blah PC Principal bullshit." Katria said, one hand on her hip and the other opening and closing in a mocking tone.

Skye and I laughed, amused by her attitude. "and finally the real reason you students were called here today is because little Miss (Name) and her friend Skye, are going to perform a song for you while Katria casts videos and audio notes that Miss (Name) wrote over the years for a special someone in the audience."

Murmurs and whispers filled the once quiet gymnasium. My eyes landed on a breathtaking Caribbean blue eyes, I smiled and waved at Stan. I grew nervous again, until I saw Wendy smirking at me with an evil glint in her stupid violet eyes. I turned towards my friends.

"Alright Katria, hook me up and let's get this party started!"

Katria grabbed the wireless mic headset from PC Principal and helped me get them on.

"When you get rich and famous, don't forget, I'm one hell of a manager."

I laughed, smiling and thanking her for the help.

"Hello South Park High!" I said to the quiet students. "How is everyone today?"

Silence. "Alrighty then. This is our cover of a personal favorite song of mine. Melanie Martinez's Pacify Her, I hope you enjoy because we worked really hard on it."

Katria walked towards her table, setting up her tablet and getting the volume in check as Skye poked buttons on her sound board, making sure her brother Hellen didn't sneak it from her room and messed up the sounds she had set to each button. I asked her if it was all good and she smiled, sending me a thumbs up. I nodded, exhaling the breath I was holding. She began pressing the buttons, music playing signalling the start of the song.

"Tired blue boy walks my way
holding a girls hand.
That basic bitch leaves finally,
Now I can take her man."

My body shook, nervousness washing away a little at a time.

"Someone told me stay away from things that aren't yours,
But was he yours if he wanted me so bad?"

I threw the signal to Katria, so she could start playing the audio of me reading every note I've ever wrote to Stan in secret. The words played on the screen behind me for those who couldn't hear them over the music playing and my singing.

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