21A) Butters Stotch x Reader

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It's Different Now

Finally, after years and years.. well, 2 of middle school and 1 year of high school anyways.. I was finally going back home. I danced through the overly, idiot infested high school hallways middle fingers held proudly in the air.

"A huge fucking screw you guys! I'm going home!" I shouted, laughing happily before running out of the school and straight to the shit house we lived in.

"I'm goin' home!" I screamed, excitedly running into my mothers room.

"Hey honey, are you excited? I know you are!" My mother was my best friend, I pulled her into a loving squeeze.

"To quote my favorite robot; "Let's go already!~" I sang to my mother who laughed, grabbing the last of the boxes, with my help of course, and we left.

I looked back one last time, I was excited to leave this hell hole.

{Time Skip}

"(Name)? We're here sweetie! Wakey wakey." My mom smiled, glowing in happiness.

I smiled, looking around at all of the friendly-ish and familiar faces. One caught my eye, his piercing blue eyes, one being slightly lighter with a scar down the middle, golden hair, a lit cigarette. "Mom stop the car."

She slammed the breaks, and I got out. I walked towards him. "I know you... But.. I can't..."

He looked up at me, his eyes widening a bit. "(N-Name)? Is it.. really you?" He asked, his deep voice sending a chill down my spine.

"The (Name) (Last name), the spunkiest in the state of Colorado." I giggled.

He stood, towering over me and smirked. "Maybe this will ring a bell (Name)." He said in a deeper, husky voice.

"A-Awww h-hamburgers" He squeaked, rubbing his knuckles together.

I laughed, hugging him tightly. "Butters! I didn't even recognize you! You're such a stud now." I said, biting my lip.

"What happened to your eye?"

He chuckled, shaking his head. "Kenny threw a ninja star at me."

I gasped and we got into a deep conversation. He ended up going to say hi to my mom and telling her that he'll bring me home later. We walked together in silence for a few moments. I enjoyed this, the cool wind blowing my face and Butters, who was now tall and smoking hot, walking beside me. "I remember when we were little, and you used to get grounded all the time. I would always sneak you out and we would sneak into my tree house to kiss." I blurted out my face turning red.

He laughed, placing his arm over my shoulders. "We would always get caught, and we'd always get grounded. Again."

"God, I used to think you were the cutest boy in all of South Park!" I blurted again.

Shut your cake hole (Name)! I screamed to myself.

"Oh yeah?" He asked, stopping and pinning me against a cold brick wall. "What do you think about me now (Name)?"

I bit my lip, getting lost in his glorious blue eyes. "I think I could fuck you at any given moment if you'd let me." I said, lust lacing each word.

He leaned forward, his lips brushing against mine as he spoke. "What if I wanted you right now in the back of this alley?"

{Butter's POV}

I never once forgot about the most beautiful girl I'd ever laid my blue eyes on. I instantly knew I wanted her, and with her 'practice kissing', I grew more and more confident. I stopped worrying about getting grounded, knowing that no matter what I did I would get grounded anyways. Kenny pierced my ear, providing me cigarettes since I was a year younger than him. He helped me score my first chick after (Name) left. The only reason I fucked her was because she looked exactly like the goddess walking in front of me. Her long (H/c) (If you have short hair I'm sorry) hair brushing against her lower back as she walked, her curves and appearance. Not to mention the short blue jean shorts and cut up tank top, a thin bra covering her body. She was much different than the last time I had seen her.

I picked her up by her lower legs, hearing her squeal when my hand slapped against her ass. I smirked, hearing a gasp come from her as I gave it a rough squeeze.

"Butters, you beast!" She said, a playful tone to her voice.

"Only for you babe, and honestly," I paused, chuckling. "you ain't seen nothin' yet beautiful."

I looked around, making sure no one sees us walk into the alley. Or well, more like see me carrying a girl into a dark alley. We finally got to the darkest corner, I carefully sat her down. "Well?"

She rubbed her knuckles together, biting her lip. I smiled, she was teasing me. "I don't do that anymore, asshole." I said, playfully pushing her and laughing.

"As much as I want you to pin me up against this wall and take me for a ride, I'm gonna have to decline." She told me. "I only have sex with someone if I think they're gonna be serious. I can't have a fwb."

That's right, (Name) and Christophe had that going for a while but.. (Name) told him and he called it off. They moved that summer. I thought to myself, the summer before seventh grade. I went to find Christophe to tell him he was an asshole and he beat me up.

"I haven't seen you in three years Butters, but I haven't stopped thinking of you, I'm so fucking confused right now. I fell in love with you before I moved, and I come home..." She said, a blush on her face. "You've had sex, got a scar, a whole new personality.. I have to meet the new Butters first.."

I smiled sweetly at her, holding her hand. "At least let me kiss you, I have some crazy emotions all in me."

She giggled, wrapping her arms around my neck. "Of course, kissing is definitely still on the table."

I leaned forward, lightly slamming her body into mine. She gasped out, smirking at me.

Just like before. I noted mentally before leaning down and kissing her roughly, but passionately. She gasped, I quickly snaked my tongue into her slightly agape lips. I slid my hands down her body, gripping her legs and lifting her up. She quickly wrapped her legs around my waist, hesitantly pulling away from my lips. A strand of saliva connecting us.

She was blushing a deep red, breathing heavily. "I'll wait as long as you need me to. I-I really m-missed you (Name)." I looked shocked for a second.

I haven't stuttered since she left.. "There you are Butters." She giggled, playfully.

"S-Shut up!" I blushed, my ears turning red.

I smirked, lightly grinding against her. She immediately stopped giggling, a moan leaving her lips. I froze for a second, my eyes locking with hers. I placed a hand on her cheek. "(Name), you make it so hard to wait. You're still so stunning, you're still so fucking perfect. I should've told you I loved you before you left, maybe you would've stayed.."

She put her hands on the back of my head lightly, her right hand playing with my blond locks. "I didn't want to go, I wanted to stay here with you so badly." She whispered, a slight whimper leaving her through her quiet scentence.

I looked at her, seeing tears leak from her saddened (e/c) orbs. Oh (Name), no. I bit my lip. "I ran away four times, trying to come home to you." She said, her forehead against mine.

"I love you too, Butters. I love you so much."

She rested her head on my shoulder, the tears leaking out on to my shoulder. "Want to go to the park?"

She nodded, a sniffle coming from her.

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