14) Kenny McCormick x Reader

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Get that smirk off your face, McCormick!

I growled, yet again Kenny was being a perv towards some other girl. I don't want to hear your bitching, I know, he's a man whore. Unfortunately, I was in love with him. You see, when I was 8, he was really in his hood. During late middle and so far, all of high school, he's been showing his face. He sure does smirk a lot. His smug looking face was kind of hot. (See picture above for face) I was totally hooked, the first time he smirked at me.


I blushed, holding my tongue as Kenny McCormick was trying to convince me to let him have my bra. "Come on babe, you'd feel better once I got it off."

He winked, a smug smirk on his face. This was when I knocked one of his teeth out, causing that sexy gap.

{End of Flashback}

"God damn McCormick, who the fuck does he think he is? Smirking at that broad." I grumbled. "Hey! McCormick!"

He looked over at me, smirking with a devious glint in his eyes. He did this every time I was around, only to get a reaction from me. It's like he liked teasing me endlessly. I was super jealous and it was always way too obvious. "Wipe that that fuckin' smirk off your face before I knock another tooth loose!"

He left the girl, her rolling her eyes with a scoff. Everyone knew Kenny teased me because he has been since we were 10. He loved the reaction he got.


"Hey Bebe, how's about we go and fuck in the bathroom?" Kenny said in hearing distance from me, I growled.

"Hey McCormick! Shut your mouth, I don't want to hear that shit." I slammed my locker, flipping him off.

Then he fucking smirked at me.

I growled, stomping off to class.

{End of flashback}

I looked at him, seeing shock over his face as I felt a warm liquid roll down my cheeks. I growled at him, running into the girls bathroom, kicking everyone out for personal reasons, and locking the door. I was never coming out again. I sat on the clean floor, crying into my knees.

Why does he always tease me? Why does he make it so obvious that he doesn't like me! I screamed, feeling more hot tears run down my burning cheeks.

{Kenny's POV}

This time, I didn't smirk. I was concerned, did I do something wrong? She always blushes when I smirk at her, and.. I like teasing her, she always had the cutest reactions. She was so jealous! I thought it was so fucking cute!


"God dammit Kenny, you poor piece of crap!" Cartman yelled at me.

"What now, Cartman?" I sighed, aggravated.

"You shouldn't keep teasing her like that you idiot! It hurts her feelings!" Kyle yelled from behind Cartman.

I looked over at (Y/n), seeing her wipe her jacket sleeve over her face. She took a deep breath and continued putting her school stuff away for the weekend. I sighed at her, I so desperately loved her. I don't mean to hurt her feeling, I just think it's cute when she gets jealous. "I'm sorry (Y/n), I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.."

I mumbled, going home and ignoring at my yelling friends.

{End Flashback}

I sighed, jumping back when I heard (Y/n) scream. I walked over to the door, sitting outside of it. "You know.. when we were 8, I thought you were the prettiest girl in the whole town of South Park."

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