20B) Michael x Reader {Smut}

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Tear you apart (Lemon)

How hard was it to get noticed?? I groaned, laying next to my friends, all of us laying in our underwear. That's right, we were all that close. If we showed 'conformist' emotions, it would be fine. We were okay like that when we were together. Because of me, they all changed their outlook a bit. Well, at least enough to show emotion. I sat up, making eye contact with an already staring Michael. I bit my lip, waving a little at him. He sat up, patting the bed beside him. Wow, he's letting me on the bed? I slowly stood up, stretching out a bit before slowly climbing into the bed, laying my head on his legs. I had recently told Michael about me liking him, and surprisingly enough, that made us closer.

{Michael's POV}

I slightly bit the inside of my cheek as my eyes traced (Name)'s curves, her black and maroon bra and panties hugging her body tightly. She stood for a minute, her back slightly arched and arms above her head. I thought about how similar that would look if I had her pinned under me. I watched her smile at me and crawl onto my bed, I bit my lip. She laid her head in my lap, looking at me. "Hey." My hand instantly rubbed from her stomach up, stopping and softly gripping her neck. I smirked. "Hey (Name)."

She blushed, biting her lip. I looked up, clearing my throat. "Guys it's late, go home."

They all sat up, looking at how I was holding (Name) and quickly got the message. They all threw on their clothes and left saying 'bye'. I looked back at (Name), who looked back at me with curiosity and lust. I motioned for her to lay fully on the bed, standing up and turning on my stereo, playing some music. "You know how hard it was to keep my eyes off you?"

I asked, crawling over her. "That's why I was laying on the floor with my eyes closed." She replied, a smirk on her maroon colored lips.

I bit her neck, leaving a deep purple, blue, and red mark. In the middle, deep purple teeth marks. I bit my lip, feeling the ring in it tapping my tooth. "Is this something you want to do? Are you sure about us? Or, is this just a crush that's gonna go away?" She asked, obviously nervous.

That's why she hangs around us, she opened up like this before. She woke up the next morning, he was gone leaving a note telling her it was done.

She had been hurt like this before.

"(Name), I know everything about you and your past. If I wasn't serious I wouldn't be wanting to do this." I said, rubbing her through her underwear.

"Michael, wait.." she gasped, I instantly stopped. "If you're serious... Say that.."

I bit my lip, thinking of my mom and dad divorcing. "(Name), I've been scared of commiting because my mom and dad divorced, but with you... There's nothing I wouldn't do to keep you near me constantly, I'm honestly, so madly in love with you it drives me crazy." I said, looking into her deep (e/c) orbs.

I smiled at her, waiting for anything. "I trust you Michael."

I leaned in, kissing her deeply. "Good, I promise I'll never leave you."

She sighed, closing her eyes. "Please continue doing what you were..."

I want to hold you close,
Skin pressed against me tight~🎵

I started kissing her exposed pale skin some more, my hand in her panties rubbing circles around her clit. A blissful sound rang through my ears, it was my name in a rushed gasp.

"That's right (Name)." I purred, trailing kisses down her body, my fingers finding their ways into the band of her wet panties, I quickly pulled them off.

Lie still close you eyes girl
So lovely, it feels so right~🎵

I leaned forward, my mouth brushing on her ear as I whispered. "I wanna fucking tear you apart." My tongue finally came in contanct with her mouth again, my fingers entering her wet core.

"Michael!" She moaned out.

{(Name)'s POV}

I covered my mouth, blushing at my outburst. He began to curl his fingers inside of me, I squirmed. I whimpered,biting my tongue to try and keep quiet. "What's wrong? Don't like moaning?"

"I-I'm just..ahh... loud." I panted out.

He smiled at me, softly kissing my thighs. "I think it's fine, I love you okay?"

I nodded, moving my hand. My teeth moving from my tongue to my lip.

"Are you ready beautiful?" He asked me, sincerity in his voice.

I gave him a light nod. A shaky sigh leaving my body, as he caught me off guard. Ramming his pierced tongue deep into my core. I moaned out, grabbing the bed sheets. "Fuck, Michael!" I hissed.

I quickly bit my lip, desperate to conceal my moaning. "I like when you moan my name, I bet you would open up more if I moaned yours." He said casually.

I looked at his boxers, seeing his member clearly through the tight boxers. I unclipped my bra, letting it fall on to the bed. Sitting up, I let him lay down, me hovering over him. I pulled his boxers down, licking the tip a few times hearing him gasp. I quickly took all I could into my mouth, stroking what I couldn't. He plunged his tongue right back into my core, his hips thrusting a little. I began to Bob my head, swirling my tongue around the tip when I got there before going back down. I felt his tongue leave me, as he pulled away. His head went back as something clicked inside me. "Fuck that's so good (Name)." He moaned out.
I switched direction, slamming my hips on to his member and moaning out. "Fuck, fuck!"

I rolled my hips, feeling every inch of me fill with him. His nails dug deeper in my hips and he lifted me, slamming back onto his throbbing member. He placed his arms under my knees and switched places with me, my legs now over his shoulders. I bit my lip, enjoying this.

I want to hold you close,
Soft breath, breathing hard~🎵

{Michael's POV}

I slammed into her, hearing her moan out. I smirked, she didn't try to hide it this time. I sat up, holding her legs up with one hand as the other rubbed her clit. Her back arched, I watched her chest rise and fall. Feeling her insides twitch around me made me growl, I grabbed her neck lightly. She looked at me, her (e/c) orbs dark with lust. "Fuck me Michael." She whispered to me. I grinned, liking hearing that.

I began to slam into her, deeper than I was before. I knew I had hit her spot when she screamed. I continued ramming into there, her begging for more. After a few more minutes, she realesed on me. I pulled out of her, rolling her on to her hands and knees. "I'm not finished with you, babe." I growled, hearing her whimper.

I leaned forward, grabbing a handful of her hair and forcefully pulling her body on to mine. I rammed into her again, my other hand holding her hip tightly. She mumbled fuck under her breath as her eyes rolled into the back of her head. "Say my name."

"Michael." She panted.

"Louder!" I yelled, pulling her hair and bringing my other hand to her neck, choking her slightly.

"Michael!" She yelled.

"Louder!" I said slamming into her again.

"Michael!" She screamed as she came again.

I released, moaning her name as I softly thrusted, riding out our highs.

We panted, laying next to each other. I laid my hand on her cheek, smiling at her. "I fucking love you, promise you'll marry me one day?" I asked her.

She blushed, throwing herself on to my hips. Kissing on my neck. I moaned.

"I promise." She said before went went at it again.

(Hehehe no shame! This is part one for Michael, I hope you enjoyed it.)

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