6) Kyle Broflovski x Reader

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(Y/n) (l/n) was a good person, and a street smart girl. Unfortunately, she wasn't very book smart. Which means, she was failing a few of her classes. In a desperate attempt to get help she went to the smartest guy in her high school. Kyle Broflovski. A huge nerdy genius.

"You don't normally talk to me, what do you want?"

"I need help with my school work, and you're the smartest person at this school. I know a lot about you, and I know you're really kind, a-and you're super smart. I'm also very aware you have to deal with Cartman's fat dumb ass."

"Well... I might help me if you can tell me my name."

Fuck. I really suck at pronouncing his last name.

"O-Okay, don't be mad if I say it wrong or something okay?"

"I won't, I understand, it's hard for some people to say."

(Y/n) nodded. "Kyle Broflovski, I want you to help me as my tutor."

She said it, and it sounded 100% perfect.

Kyle's face turned a bit red, but he nodded. "Alright (Y/n) (L/n), I'll help you, as your tutor."

(Y/n) squealed in delight, hugging the taller red head as tight as she could with out hurting him. "Thank you, thank you, thank you! You're the best ever!"

"Really, it's no big deal, y-you can let go now.." Kyle said with a red face.

"R-Right." (Y/n) said as she let him go. "Here, have my number so you can text or call me after school."

She scribbled the numbers on a small piece of paper and handed it to him, before running off to class. Yelling down the hall another quick 'thank you' before disappearing in her class.


Kyle sat with his same few friends. "So have you heard about Wendy? I heard she got pregnant!"

"What?!" Stan spit his drink out.

"Dude, stop lying Kenny."

(Y/n) rolled her eyes. Listening to the conversation from her table. "Boys are stupid. Why would Kyle hang out with those morons?"

She continued to munch on her salad, quickly finishing the small container and chugging down her water, before throwing the trash away and walking towards Kyle's table.

"Oh hey (y/n)."

"Hey Kyle! Do you care if I sit here for a moment?"

Kyle moved over, letting her sit down next to him. The others at the table watched in shock. "So, I completely forgot to tell you, that I live alone."

(Y/N) said, smiling at Kyle. "Oh, that's fine, it'll be a lot better alone than with people around."

"And, I forgot to give you my address too, so you can come over tonight and teach me a few things."

Kyle watched as she pulled out a pen and a piece of paper from her small bag, quickly writing down her address and a smiley face, before standing up. "I'll see you later!"

(Y/n) half way out of the cafeteria, stopped at the door to turn and watch what his friends would do.

They all turned to him and started questioning him as to why he was going to (Y/n)'s house that night.

"Dude, she's like.. The prettiest girl at this school! AND YOU'RE GOING TO HER HOUSE?!" Kenny yelled.

"It's not like that Kenny, she asked me to tutor her because she's failing." Kyle said munching on his sandwich.

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