29A) Pete x Reader

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Something Unexpected (a mini seiries now wassup)

(Name) was sitting on her bed, fuzzy Eric Cartman pajama pants and an oversized Kenny shirt covering her body. She laughed, listening to the crude humor from her favorite show South Park. Taking a look at her phone she almost choked.

"It's already two in the morning?!" She yelled. "I better lay my clothes out for tomorrow and go to bed."

She stood, walking towards her closet and grabbing a pair of ripped up skinny jeans and a black 'She Wants Revenge' T-shirt. After grabbing her bracelets, converse, and a red flannel she crawled into her warm bed.

"God the goth kids are my favorite, I really wanna see more episodes on them.. Or just be in the show. That would be nuts!"

She laughed, rolling her eyes and turning off her lamp. She turned towards the wall and went to sleep, unaware of the glowing light coming from outside her house.

Her secret dream was coming true.

{The Next Morning (Readers POV)}

"Come on fat ass! We'll be late for school!"

"Screw you Kyle! You fucking Jew!"

I groaned, sitting up and putting on my coat and shoes to go yell at the teenagers yelling outside my window face to face. I stomped down my stairs and straight to the front door. With a quick swing it hit the wall, causing a loud slam noise. "Hey! I'm trying to fucking sleep! What's your deal?!"

"What the hell? How did you get pants with Cartman on it?" An almost familiar voice asked.

"And why do you have my face on your shirt?" A deep muffled voice questioned after.

I stood there, in total shock. There before me was Cartman and his friends... But older? What the fuck is going on?

"What? Why do you guys look like Stan, Kyle, Eric, and Kenny?"

"Because we are? Who are you new kid?"

I couldn't speak. This wasn't my home town anymore, I don't even think I was I the real world anymore.

"Hello? New girl?"

"Am... Am I in.. South Park, Colorado?"

"Uh.. Yeah?" Kyle answered.

"Oh my god. This is (home town)! How did I get here?!" I yelled grabbing a handful of my messy (h/c) hair.

"Are you okay?" Stan asked.

I shook my head. "N-No! I got sucked into your tv show!"

"What? TV show?" Cartman asked. "Who are you crazy?"

"I'm not crazy! My name is (Name).."

Kenny smirked, walking towards me and kissing my hand. "Oh god, as much as I've always wanted this, this is weird and I wanna go put on real clothes."

"Do you want us to come in and help you calm down?" Kyle asked.

I nodded my head furiously. "Yes! And Cartman stay out of my kitchen you fat fuck!"

He grumbled while the other three laughed. I ran into the house and into my room, lock in the door and getting dressed quickly. I came downstairs brushing my hair. "So you said this is weird? Are you not from here?"

"No! I'm from a place that watches you guys as a cartoon!"

"That is strange.. Maybe you're supposed to be here now? I mean, weirder things have happened here."

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