16D) Jersey Kyle x Reader

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A Little More Confidence

After the "Jersey shore" incident that happened here, Kyle has transformed into "Kyley-B". I rolled my eyes, Kyley-B is a fucking jackass, but all the girls think he's hot. I liked Kyle before he changed, but I guess I'll just have to get used to the new Kyle.

"Aye (Name)!" I turned, giving a bored look on my face.

"What Kyle?" I asked, waiting for him to scold me for not using his 'Jersey' name.

He flinched a bit, a blush on his face. "I'm sorry. For being a little... Mean to you.."

I was shocked to say the least, he's apologizing?

"For a moment I forgot who I was around you and I decided that I was gonna be normal Kyle for you."

I smiled, hugging him tightly. "You're only apologizing because you miss my snacks!"

He laughed, ruffling my hair. "No way, I missed you being around."

I blushed, he was still Kyley-B, but he was old Kyle. "Want to go to my house and play videos games after school?"

I nodded, before walking towards class before the late bell signaled.

{Kyle's POV}

I really did miss (Name), the old Kyle had fused with Kyley-B, but we both agreed to only do it for (Name). I would only be nice to her. I mean, can't be mean to the girl you love right? I smiled, running a hand through my red hair and going to class myself.

The day went by as usual, (Name) and Stan making funny faces at each other, and Cartman calling me a Jersey ginger Jew. I rolled my eyes like I always did. After lunch classes went by like lightning and soon enough (Name) and I would be alone, at my house. I smirked, putting my hands in my pockets and walking towards her. "Hey beautiful, ready to go?"

She blushed a deep red, nodding and sluggishly drag her backpack. I grabbed the strap, feeling why she was dragging it. "What the fuck, why would you carry all this weight on your back?!"

She laughed, shaking her head. "I was out last week Kyle, I have to catch up. Usually you bring me my work but it was like you had forgotten I existed."

I frowned. I really did her dirty this past month haven't I? I stayed quiet for a minute before holding her hand. "I really have been a prick haven't I? I'm so sorry (Name), I didn't mean to hurt you."

She looked down, thinking for a moment. "you know, I can't be mad at you Kyle.. personality change can cause people to behave differently. But usually the two personalities will combine and depending on thoughts and emotions towards certain people before the change, they will continue to see that person as such."

I smiled. She was always so smart. "You're so smart, but, as a Pway to make up for being a dick I'm gonna do all your homework."

She laughed, playfully pushing me. With the weight of her backpack I knew I was going down. Out of instinct I grabbed her wrist, pulling her down on top of me. I looked at her, slightly dazed and grinning. "Guess I'm falling for you."

She blushed, laughing softly at my lame pick up line. "Seems like you must've hit your head pretty hard."

Ouch. Sharp burn. I laughed, knowing that she always retaliated to horrible pickup lines if she was interested in hearing more. Knowing that gave me a little more confidence. "Or maybe you just fell from heaven, you do look like an angel."

She stood up, looking at her skinned elbow. "No, but I skinned my elbow crawling up from hell."

I laughed again, continuing our cheesy conversation. I opened my door, letting her in and following behind her. "Hi Ike!"

"(Name)!" Ike screamed, jumping off the couch and hugging (Name) tightly.

I loved that they got along so well. "Beat it shrimp, me and the babe are gonna play games."

Ike stuck his tongue out at me, kissing (Name)'s cheek and running upstairs blushing.

"He is such a little cutie! Can't wait to have my own one day."

I laughed, grabbing the cords to the console and plugging it up. "Can you run upstairs and grab the extra controller from Ike?"

She nodded, heading up the stairs.

{(Name)'s POV}

I walked carefully up the stairs, Ike was in his room watching PewDiePie. I smiled, at least he still liked something from when he was little. "Hey Ike, do you have the spare controller?"

"(Name)! No, it's in Kyle's room."

I nodded, thanking him. I walked towards him and took a handful of flaming hot Cheetos before walking to Kyle's room. I opened his door, looking around the messy floor. I walked towards the controller, it was on his desk. I grabbed the controller, looking at the notebook under it.

I read the pages, smiling at his goofy entries. I walked back downstairs, licking the red off my fingertips. "I got it!"

He looked over at me, blushing. "Why are you sucking your fingers?"

"Cheeeeeetooooooos!" I said, a silly tone in my voice.

He laughed, plugging the other controller up and handing it to me. We sat together on the floor, nudging each other and trying to cover each others faces. "You can't beat me (Name)! Get over it!"

"NO! VIVA LA RESISTANCE! I SHALL PREVAIL!" I shouted, earning another laugh from Kyle.

"You're a wild card," he said, looking at me. "I love you (Name).."

I turned to ask him what he had said, but I was taken by surprise at his soft lips on mine. After a few moments he pulled away, smiling at me. "wow.. uh.. I love you too Kyle.."

I will admit, at first I hated his Jersey thing, but it gradually changed. I guess he really just had a little more confidence.

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