16F) Token Black x Reader

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Starks Pond {Token's POV}

I sat with (Name) on the dock, our feet in the water. The moment was something to treasure, it was quiet, warm, and welcoming. I looked towards the (h/c) haired girl beside me, her glisetening (e/c) eyes looking into my own. She blushed, her face showing a moment of brief uncertanty and slight discomfort on her beautiful features. "What's up? You okay?"

She nodded her (h/l) hair bouncing around her blushing face. I smiled, holding her smaller hand in mine. The moment continues on, a beautiful soft silence between us. She laid back, her hair sprawling out around her. I sighed, laying back myself.

"Hey Token?" She said quietly.

I hmmed, turning my head towards her.

"How crazy is it that uh... Uhmm.. fuck it never mind."

I chuckled, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "You're so goofy, (Name)."

"I'm not goofy! I'm just... Yeah.. I guess goofy." She laughed, sitting up and looking at the water.

"What's on you mind babe?" I asked her, rubbing her back.

"Well, we've been dating for a while.."

I nodded. "It's been 8 months, 5 days, 4 hours, and 26 seconds."

She giggled. "27 seconds." I said in reply, laughing with her.

"Token, I have something on my mind. The tip of my tongue, but, no matter what... I just can't get them off.."

I pat her back, telling her it was okay and kissing the top of her head. She sighed, shaking her head. "It's not, it's something really important but I can't say it."

Tears began to fill up her eyes, I softened my gaze and pulled her into a tight hug. "It's okay babe, I promise. Just say it whenever you're ready."

She nodded, burring her head in my chest. "This is perfect. You, the weather, the water, the beautiful colors in the sky."

(Name) started humming, a sweet little song she would sing when she was stressed. She stood up, jumping into the pond.

"(Name)?" I asked, confused for a moment. "(Name)?! What the hell??"

She hadn't come back up yet, I began looking around frantically. I was about to stand when something grabbed my ankel and pulled me into the water. I screamed, quickly swimming back up to the surface. "WHAT IS GOING ON?!"

(Name) swam up, laughing as soon as she surfaced. "What's the matter?"

"Have you lost your mind?!"

"Can't lose what ya don't have!" She giggled.

She swam towards the dock, pulling herself up onto it to sit. I followed lead, getting up there and pushing her back in laughing.

She squealed, grabbing my hand with a smirk. We both fell back into the water.

After surfacing yet again, we laughed. I looked into her beautiful orbs, pulling her towards me and kissing her with all the passion in my body.

"You're nuts."

"On for you Token! I love you!!"

I was completely shocked, watching her swim under the water. I smiled.

"Goofball. I love you too."

Who would have guessed she'd say it first in the water of Starks Pond?

(I'm so sorry it's so short, I just don't really... Like Token... But I promise there will be more of them with him in it 💕 btw this is the last in the mini series!! What did you think?? Should I do more mini series?)

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