44) Jimmy Valmer x Depressed!Reader

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A Laugh Goes A Long Way

Smiling, laughing, happiness. Things I haven't genuinely felt in a while now. I sat in the back of the class, ignoring the teacher and staring out the window. It's only been a few days since I lost my mother and no one even realized just how horribly I was actually taking it. I sighed, watching the clouds swirl, it was going to rain again. It makes sense, I guess.

Laughter erupted through the classroom and I looked towards the source and exhaled a small chuckle through my nose. Of course it was Jimmy cracking jokes.

"W-What's a gynecologist and a pizza delivery person have in common? They both get to smell it, but neither get to eat!"

I laughed, covering my mouth and snorting slightly catching the attention of the group of guys.

"Ew, little emo girl snorts." Wendy said from beside the group.

I frowned, sadness washing over me. I looked down, thinking of something to say but not finding the right words.

"D-Don't be a b-bitch Wendy." Jimmy said, shooting the raven haired asshole a glare.

"D-Don't Jimmy.. it's okay.." I said quietly, sinking into my seat a little.

"It definitely i-is not okay (Name)." He looked back at Wendy. "D-Did you know h-her mom died a few days ago? B-Be fucking considerate, c-cunt."

She gasped, squealing to Stan. "Don't let him talk to me like that, Stan!"

"Nope. You deserve that one. Don't be a bitch dude, she's grieving." He said, nonchalant.

Wendy frowned, turning towards me and storming closer. "Listen here bitch, just because you have everyone on your side over something that probably isn't tru-"

I stood up, immediately wanting to connect my fist to her nose. "You know what fuck you Wendy! I'm so sick of your God damn BULLSHIT!"

She tried to punch me, but I quickly dodged and began wailing all my anger and sadness out on her with every swing. I watched her crumble to the floor but before I could kick her, someone grabbed me and suspended me into the air. "Whoa whoa whoa, she deserves this yes, but calm down. Don't kill her."

I looked behind me, about to cuss but stopped. My whole face exploded in red. "G-God d-damn it Jimmy, f-fine!"

He smiled, nuzzling the top of my head. "Y-You smell pretty."

I dangled there, feeling confusion and a bit of genuine happiness. "Thanks?"

"What is it? J-Japanese cherry blossom?" He asked.

I nodded, tears welling up in my eyes. "Y-Yeah, it was my mom's favorite.."

He squeezed me tighter, a frown on his handsome features. "I'm sorry for bringing it up."

I rubbed my eyes dry, a sniffle leaving my nose. "You're fine Jimmy, thank you for bringing up a good memory."

I looked at the door, seeing Mr. Garrison walking in. "What the actual fuck happened in here?"

Without a second thought the entire class erupted in the same thing; "(Name) fucked Wendy up."

*Time skip*

I sighed, leaning my head against my hand. Detention is soooooo fun. I rolled my eyes, this was just more bullshit. "Why did you beat Wendy to a pulp?"

I looked at Garrison and started crying. "She got in my face talking about my mom and I didn't even realize it had happened until Jimmy pulled me off her. I swear I'm not like that!"

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