8) Clyde Donovan x Reader {Smut}

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Warning: This is a very inappropriate, if you don't want smut please do not read this part.

Call Me Daddy

I ignored the teacher, she was talking about history or something. I wasn't stupid, I knew all of this already. My phone buzzed in my pocket, letting me know that someone finally saved me from this boredom. I pulled it out of my pocket and smiled. It was a snap from Clyde. (See story image for the first selfie) I smiled at the photo of him and Craig and their puppy filter. I quickly read the caption before the photo went away.

"Thinking of you ;)"

I blushed, smiling bigger. "(Y/n)! What are you back there doing?!" Mrs. Garrison asks.

"I'm looking for a nice dress to get, would you help me? Your fashion is outta this world Mrs. G!" I said in a 'kiss ass' tone.

The teacher smiled. "I will but after class okay? Stay quiet and pick a few that you like." She said, no longer mad at me for being on my phone.

I smirked as I replied. I quickly sent a picture of the class.

"Lmao, whatever, you totally just got me in trouble."

I sent it, snapping one of me with my tongue out and middle finger up.

"Luckily I have a golden tongue ;))"

I looked at the board placing my phone between my thighs, hearing Mrs. Garrison saying something about high heel shoes. My phone buzzed, sending a vibration up my legs. I blushed and opened the snap.

It was Clyde biting his lip at the camera. I mentally groaned, wanting the teen in the picture.

"Are you trying to sext me?"

I smirked, getting up to go to the bathroom. I locked the stall door and unbuttoned some buttons on my top, revealing my (cup size) cup black lace bra. I bit my lip and made sure to angle the camera to where you can see my breast and bit lip.

"Depends, do you want me to daddy?" I smirked, I knew for a fact that Clyde liked being called that.

I nervously hit send, feeling the nervousness mix with excitement. I almost immediately got a reply.

"That shirt might end up on my floor if you keep using that golden tongue of yours princess~"

I bit my lip again. Desperately wanting that to happen.

I leaned forward, my shirt still unbuttoned and pushed my tongue into my cheek, giving the illusion of something in my mouth. I snapped the picture.

"Is that a threat or a promise baby?"

*Clyde's POV*

My phone flashed, letting me know that (Y/n) had snapped me back. She was bent forward, her breast almost falling out of the tight bra she was wearing, her mouth looking like she had something in her mouth. My eyes widened at the caption.

"Is that a threat or a promise baby?"

I walked out of Craig's room and into the bathroom, locking the door and taking the hem of my shirt and holding it up high, my jacket opened wide and my v-line showing. I smirked at the mirror, taking a picture of my body and almost noticeable hard on.

"You bet your sweet ass princess"

*(Y/n)'s POV*


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