28B) Damien Thorn x Reader

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Hell In A Hand Basket (part 2)

Damien had decided to come inside, thank God! I quickly walked towards my bar, instantly making drinks for the handsome man and myself. "I hope you don't mind, but all I have is Vodka! It's raspberry Amsterdam and cranberry juice."

"Sounds like hell!"

I stopped pouring the drinks, confusion obvious on my face. "So... Is it... A bad thing?"

"Oh! No, I'm actually from hell, it's a good thing."

"Oh." I said simply, continuing the drink process. "That would explain the Ruby red eyes and fangs!"

He sat down at the island, a smile written on his face. "You're very beautiful, you know."

I blushed, handing him his drink and tucking some hair behind my ear. "T-Thank you Damien, you're quite a looker yourself."

He grinned, winking at me, causing me to instantly blush a deeper red. "So, tell me about yourself Damien. You said you're from hell? What are you doing on the surface world?"

"Well, I visit Pip regularly. He was my first ever friend after all. Regardless of me using him as a firework when I was trying to fit in."

"You.." I snorted. "You used him as a firework?"

He chuckled, laying his face in his hands. "Yes. It was hilarious then, but I feel a bit bad about it now that I'm older."

"Knowing Pip, I'm positive that he forgives you."

He smiled at me, not a grin, not something like I'd ever seen before. "He's a good guy, a really good guy. Are you two dating?"

I choked on my drink, turning around to catch my breath. "God no! Nothing is wrong with him, he's just... Too sweet for me."

"Oh? Then what's your type doll face?"

{Damien's POV}

She smirked at me, taking another drink and sitting beside me. "Tall, dark hair, uses people as fireworks. You know, demonic assholes with a soft side."

I laughed, leaning my head in hand and watching her. She was so pretty, unlike all the other females here. She had raw beauty, very light makeup and one hundred percent perfect.

"You must have been made in heaven."

She choked on her drink, her face as red as the flames outside my fathers house. "What makes you say that?"

"Because you're an angel. I typically don't use that to describe anyone, but you are truly perfect."

"Damien, that's very kind of you but I am far from perfect. I have many flaws, and honestly, I don't even know what I'm going to do with my life. I'm only twenty-one and I still have the mental age of a strong thirteen."

I smiled at her, resting my hand on hers. "The right people see past the flaws and straight to your perfection. I learned that many years ago thanks to Pip."

Her phone went off and she quietly excuses herself. While she was in the other room I took it upon myself to snoop around her living room/ kitchen area. There was many photos of her and Pip together, some of her with the McCormick boys and the Marsh kid. I smiled, feeling the happiness radiate off of each photo.

My eyes wandered towards on beside a lamp, she was wearing all black a frown on her lips and tears staining her red cheeks.

"It was my brothers funeral. He was the last family member I had left and he was coming home when a drunk driver hit him head on. It killed him instantly, but I'm glad that he didn't suffer any pain."

"He may have not suffered, but did you?"

She looked at the floor, a sigh escaping her lips. "At first yes, but now I'm better."

I smiled softly, squeezing her shoulder lightly. "Pip is coming over with his karaoke machine! I'm gonna make some snacks."

{Karaoke Time}

"Okay dear, your pick." Pip said to (Name).

She smiled, a cute squeal coming from her as she leaped from her seat. "Let's see..."

She grabbed the phone plugged into the aux cord, searching for a perfect song. "What do you think Pippy? This song or that one?"

"Hmm, well dear I think that song is really nice. You sing it better than the original!"

"I do kill it every time." (Name) said casually, a laugh leaving her after.

She played a country sounding song, holding the mic in a nervous manner.

"After she starts, it's breath-taking." Pip said to me quietly.

"What did she pick?" I asked him.

"He was working through college, on my grandpa's farm.
I was thirsting for knowledge and he had a car."

Strawberry Wine. What a choice.

"Yeah, I was caught somewhere between a woman and a child."

I had zoned out slightly, listening to the mesmerizing song coming from her.

"Like strawberry wine, at seventeen.
The hot July moon saw everything.
My first taste of love, ooh, bittersweet.
Like green on the vine, like strawberry wine."

I couldn't help but ignore Pip talking quietly to me, her voice had drawn me in deeper and no matter how much I wanted to pull myself away I couldn't.

"She sings it a lot because her mother used to sing it to her and her brother. It was his favorite song." Pip said, a sad smile on his face. "She's been alone since she was sixteen."

I frowned, standing up and hugging her tightly. "It's okay (Name), you aren't alone anymore."

She gasped, a raspy one at that. Her arms latched themselves around my torso as she sighed shakily. "Thank you Damien."

I smiled, but it was soon replaced with shock when she leaned onto her toes and kissed my cheek.

(Boom. Shit ending. I'm sorry. 😂 anyways, I'll be posting a bit more often now that I have service on my phone for the first time in a year. Much more. And better parts. Thanks for reading though!)

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