30A) Tweek Tweak x Reader

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Missing Her

(Name) (L/name), the prettiest girl in all of South Park.

Tweek Tweak, the biggest spazz South Park had ever seen.

An unlikely pair, but don't let that fool you. (Name) and Tweek are inseparable. They're two average kids in love. At the whopping age of ten they started dating, then at the age of sixteen (Name) started to work with him at his family's coffee shop. When they both turned eighteen Tweek gave her a promise ring, he had hid it in her food on a date. She nearly choked on it.

"Why would you put it in my food?"

"Why would you inhale your food like Eric?"

"Touche Tweek, touche."

Now at the age of twenty-one they were facing something huge. College. (Name) went to California for college, while Tweek stayed home to help with his parents shop.

Tweek leaned against the counter, a sigh leaving his coffee flavored lips. He missed his coffee bean, and desperately wanted her to come home. Wendy and Gregory walked in, smiling and waving at him. He just sighed again, getting the usual coffees they ordered.

"What's wrong Tweek?"

"I miss (Name), I swear I can still hear her voice when it's quiet."

Wendy frowned, giving Gregory a sad look before returning her gaze to Tweek.

"Hey, we're going to California this weekend if you want to come."

Tweek's face lit up, a smile showing for the first time since the semester started earlier this year.

"Really?! Wendy that's great! Thank you so much!"

Tweek leaped over the counter, hugging his friends tightly. He nearly squeezed the life out of Wendy.

"Coffee is on me guys, thanks so much again for inviting me!" He yelled happily. "I'm gonna see my coffee bean!"

Wendy squealed, excitement radiating from Tweek being infectious. The two joined hands, bouncing around like two fan girls backstage at a Fall Out Boy concert. Gregory laughed, grabbing the coffees and walking towards the door.

"Wendy darling, we must depart. He should head home and pack. Remember Tweek, we are going this weekend at 6 sharp. We will be there for a week."

"Alright Greg, I'll see you this weekend Tweek!"

{Tweek's POV}

I grabbed my phone, almost dropping it in a pot of coffee. I quickly dialed (Name)'s number, hitting the green phone.

It rang a few times and she finally answered.

"Hi Tweeky, what's up?" She asked yawning.

"Aw babe, I'm sorry were you asleep?"

"Yeah but it's okay, I had to get up soon anyways. Kyle and I have classes later so we were gonna go get breakfast together."

"Oh. Kyle? Sounds fun, I have something to tell you!"

She giggled at my excitement. God it sounds like heaven to hear her giggle. "What is it sweetie?"

"I'm coming to California for a week with Gregory and Wendy! I-I'm coming to s-see you!"

"Aww Tweek you're so excited that you're stuttering again! That's great though babe, I'm excited to see you. I miss you so much."

"I miss you too (Name), I really do."

"Tweek hurry up! We need your hands, we have to pick up the special local ingredients!"

I sighed, a chuckle coming from my dearest (Name). "I guess I'll let you go baby, I'll see you this weekend?"

"Of course my coffee bean, send me your address and I'll be there before you know it! I love you."

"I love you too Tweek, I can't wait to see you."

We ended the call, smiles on both our faces.

{(Name)'s POV}

I sat on my bed, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. My Tweek was coming to see me and I couldn't be happier. I yawned, stretching my muscles and bones.

"(Name)?" Kyle asked from my door. "Are you ready?"

"No sorry, I was on the phone!" I jumped out of bed, shrieking slightly at the cold wood floor on my bare feet.

"Who called? Your parents?"

I threw on some skinny jeans and a T-shirt that Tweek had bought me for Christmas two years ago. "No, it was my Tweeky. He's coming to stay for a week with me! I'm so excited!"

Kyle scowled, a look of disappointment on his freckled face. "You guys are still together?"

"Yep! Together for eleven years."

"Grreeeeaat." He said sarcastically.

I frowned, anger on my face. "Is there a problem Kyle?"

"Uh, yeah. There is. I want you and I'm here. I'm better than that twitchy spazz."

(Dun dun dun, cliff hanger. Next part will have action, erotic romance, and fluff! It'll also probably be up in like 2 hours 😂😂 I have some Homestuck x Reader parts to work on first.)

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