4A) Pete x Reader

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A/N: This is a Pete x Reader, and I honestly think it's gonna be wild from start to finish.

How to Love

Everyone in South Park High knew that since the beginning of time (Or since fourth grade, but let's be honest that was forever ago.) The Emos kids were always thought to be the exact same as Goth kids.

And they hated that.

To you, eighteen year old (Y/n) (L/n), they were completely different. Meaning in a small summary, Gothic was beautiful, while Emo was a bunch of posing losers. The Goths would agree, if they didn't think you were a conformist.

Which honestly you weren't, you were just forced to dress like one. Your older sister was a total bitch, having to take care of you after mom and dad died in a car accident. Which made a huge effect on your four year old life, but that was fourteen years ago. You were sitting outside on the swing set, thinking of how much you hated listening to these fucking losers talk about shopping and shoes.

You growled, running a finger through your (h/l) (h/c) hair, taking a cigarette out of your pocket and lighting it up. "I'm fucking skipping, I can't be around these Justin and Britney wannabes."

Decided to go to the place you usually hung out at, you started making your way there. In a week it would be summer vacation, meaning your stupid older sister would be in Florida leaving you at home by yourself.

"Are you gonna order some food, or just drink coffee all day?" looking up, you thought the waitress was talking to you.

She wasn't, she was talking to the Goth kids. Pete, Henrietta, Firkle, and Michael.

They rolled their eyes, a small smile on your face as you heard Pete say something sarcastic and calling the woman a 'bitch.'

Looking down at your coffee, you began thinking. Taking a puff from your cigarette every now and then. Getting a refill on your coffee, you mumbled a soft 'thanks' and went to light another cigarette, only to realize that you had left your lighter on the ground by the swing.

"Fucking great, now I need to buy another lighter, I hope I have enough money for it." You growled to yourself getting up and walking towards the counter.

You knew for a fact they sold lighters, because the youngest goth usually lost his too.

"What can I get you dear?" the old woman behind the register asked.

"I need a lighter, I lost mine somewhere." You mumbled in a monotone voice.

"Why would you need a lighter dear?" She asked getting one out, it was (F/c) with a few crows flying away on it, skulls lined the bottom.

"So I can have another cigarette.."

"Oh, I was only asking dear, you don't look like one of those little emo kids over there."

Your eye twitched. "Not emo. Goth, there's a huge fucking difference."


"Yeah, a short summary, Gothic is beautiful, emo is a bunch of posers who cut themselves because they think the world hates them."

Pete and the rest of the goths watched, hearing everything you were saying. With an aggravated sigh, you paid for the lighter and lit up another cigarette, heading back to your table to drink your coffee.

"There's a difference, I'm not a fucking poser, dumbass old lady."

*~*~Goths Pov~*~*

"Guys, I'm starting to think that maybe (Y/n) isn't a conformist Britney wannabe." Firkle said, sipping his coffee.

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