20C) Firkle Smith x Reader

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I don't want to be in love

(Name) stood at the bus stop, She Wants Revenge playing through her black skull candies. She bobbed her head to the music, hips swaying lightly.

"Today is the day I tell you, ohh,
If you ever walked away then I would die right here
For you~" She sang quietly to herself, her (e/c) orbs looking for any signs of life.

Her fingers tapped on her leg, the other reaching for the cigarette behind her ear. She placed it in her mouth, humming to the song as she tried to flick the lighter. She groaned, the lighter obviously being dead. A pale hand reached in front of her face, with a swift movement a flame erupted from the Bic. She smiled finally leaning the cigarette into the fire and puffing on it. She pulled an earbud out, waving at the four Goth kids.

"Hey guys, what's up?"

"Lighter die?" Firkle asked her, standing beside her and putting his hands in his tight black jeans pockets.

She nodded, a frown on her lips. He pulled a (fav color) lighter from his pocket. "Here, keep it."

She squealed, hugging the tall pale teen beside her. "Life saver!"

His face lit up red, earning snickers from their older friends. (Name) stood on her toes, kissing his cheek before going back to what she was doing before they showed up. She took a long drag of her cigarette a bright red on the white menthol filter. (I know so much about cigarettes and I don't even smoke lol) She swayed her hips a little more, Firkle's hand brushing against her ass slightly.

{Firkle's POV}

I blushed a deeper red, almost tempted to snatch her ass in my hands and slam my lips against her own. I sighed, flipping hair out of my face and lighting another cigarette. "When are you going to tell her?"

"What are you talking about?" I asked, irritated at myself.

"You know what I'm talking about Smith, either tell her or I will." Michael said.

I looked at (Name), watching her hips intensely. Biting my lip I walked towards her, placing my hands on her hips as she giggled and continue swaying them, almost on my parts. I looked up, trying to avoid the groan in my throat. "(Name)!" I finally yelled, startling her.

"Yeeeesss?" She purred, turning towards me and popping an earbud in my ear.

I smiled at her. "You're really cute, you know?"

She blushed, a cheerful look on her pale face. "You're not so bad yourself Georgie Smith!"

I blushed, a scowl on my face. "D-Don't call me that!"

"But I like your name!" She giggled, having me twirl her around.

"What's gotten into you today?" Pete asked her.

"Just feeling kinda... Happy today?" She said, handing me her phone and other earbud.

She danced around the bus stop, laughing as her and Henrietta danced together. I smiled, playing her music out loud. Michael walked up beside me, a smirk on his face. "Look at our girlfriends dancing together."

I blushed, shoving him slightly and chuckling.

"Hey Firkle!" (Name) said.

I looked down at her and she held her hand out. "Dance with me!"

I smiled softly, dancing around with her and laughing.

"Would you look at the Goth kids? What a bunch of weirdos!"

(Name)'s smile grew bigger, her eye twitching slightly.


She turned towards Eric and Butter's.

"Hi Butters!" She said happily, hugging the timid blond and pulling away. "Fat ass." She growled.

"I'm not fat you gothic bitch!" He yelled, I put her earbuds and phone in my pocket.

Walking towards the shorter male. "What did you call her?"

"What's it to you? Lanky emo faggot!"

(Name) smiled, tapping his shoulder. He turned to her, about to say something when (Name) swung a mini baseball bat and broke his nose.

"Leave my Georgie alone, yeah?" She said, an eery happiness surrounding her.

The two cunts zoomed away, (Name) waving happily and dancing around again. We all laughed, (Name) beaming in happiness.

I don't want to be in love, but here I am. Head over heels for this free spirited human.

I had to tell her, and soon.

(Sorry it's short, wanted to update this before working on a new part. Hope you're all excited for the next part!)

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