16E) 5. Clyde Donovan x Reader

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The Top of the Ferris Wheel

Laughter filled the air, various smells also filled the air. You looked around, searching for your crybaby boyfriend.

"Leave me alone Bebe, I'm trying to find (Name)!" Clyde's voice rang.

{(Name)'s POV}

I stomped towards Bebe Stevens, ready to give her a piece of my mind. "Baby! There you are!" Clyde squealed, pulling me into a warm embrace.

He never acted like he was cool with me, he knew better than to pretend. I wrapped my arms around his torso, rubbing my face in his chest and inhaling his sweet scent. I sighed, content with my life.

I love you so much Clyde~ I thought to myself.

He kissed the top of my head, giving me one more squeeze before dragging me towards the little booth games. I giggled, enjoying this little date he asked me on. Clyde and I have been together since the fourth grade after he and Bebe broke up. I was by his side throughout his whole emotional breakdown.

{Flash back}

"It's okay Clyde!" I desperately tried to get him to stop crying. "I-I s-still think you're the c-cutest boy in school! And I don't want anything but you!"

He blushed, looking at me. Tears seemed to disappear instantly as he grasped my head between his hands. "I really like you (Name), thank you for staying by my side."

He instantly kissed me.

I think that's when I fell for him.

{End Flash Back; Clyde's POV}

I smiled hearing her giggling, dragging her to the overly easy games. "See anything you like beautiful?" I asked her, seeing her blush in response.

Her (e/c) eyes sparkled with happiness and joy as she looked towards a stuffed cow. "C-Clyde! Can you get that one?"

I pulled her into my side, enjoying the sweet scent of sweet pea coming from the beautiful young lady next to me. We've been together for four and a half years tonight. All this time I've been trying to tell her I love her but I always panic and say something else. She asked me about it once.

{Flash Back}

"H-hey Clyde?" (Name) asked, curling up to my bare chest.

I hummed, running a finger through her sexed up hair. "Do you.... Do you love me?"

"Of course I do babe, I'm just.. scared to say it.."

"Do you want me to say it first?"

I shook my head no, pulling her body on mine. "I'll say it, I promise. I'm just waiting for a super special moment."


I sighed, knowing I needed to tell her tonight. After roaming around for hours I started to whine about my feet hurting. She giggled, like always.

(Name) didn't mind that I was overly sensitive because honestly, she was overly hot headed. She was quick to get jealous, and I will always think it's cute.

{Another Flash Back}

I looked at (Name) pouting, her face red in frustration. "What's wrong?"

I looked at Token, he was the mother of our emotional rollercoaster group. (Name)'s whole face turned red, stuttering like she always did around me. "I-I-I c-can't t-tell you Token.. I-I'm sorry.."

Turned out it was because I was talking about Bebe, that's when I realized how cute (Name) really was.


"Can we go to the Ferris wheel?" She asked me, holding the stuffed cow close to her face.

She's so cute. I blushed, nodding my head and walking towards the line.

"Hey dudes." Craig's monotone voice rang out.

"Hey man, (Name) why don't you go and get comfy?" I asked her, watching her nod and walk towards the cart. "Keep us at the top for about 5 minutes, I'm gonna say it tonight."

He sarcastically gasped, a sincere smile on his face. "Got you dude, good luck."

I waved, rushing to get in with the beautiful Miss (Name) (L/Name). "Hello beautiful~"

She giggled, standing on her toes to kiss my nose. I wrapped my arms around her, for a brief moment I couldn't contain my emotions any longer. "I love you so much (Name), you're the best thing to ever happen to me. I can't wait until you say yes to my next question.."

Her (e/c) orbs sparkling in the colorful lights that surrounded us. I pulled a promise ring out if my pocket, showing it to her and blushing. "I-I'm not t-the best guy in the w-whole world, but.. y-you make me want t-to be. I want to make a promise to y-you, that I'll m-marry you one day. I just n-need you to p-promise it with me."

She looked at me, a soft smile on her precious face. I stared deeply into her eyes, scared she would disappear or reject me.

"I would absolutely love to be the future Mrs. Clyde Donovan. I love you too." She said, opening her arms for a welcoming embrace.

I quickly scooped her into a hug. "God I love you, I can't wait to get you back to the pick up." I said deeply, against her ear.

She shivered biting her lip as the Ferris wheel started going again. We scurried out as soon as the door opened. "B-Babe! Where are we going?" She asked, clearly curious and excited.

We ran to the truck in the grass, I opened her door and ran to my side. After a swift swing my door was open, we both crawled into the truck. I zipped out, leaving tire tracks in the dirt.

{Time skip}

I pulled into an open spot in the middle of a field. I jumped out, grabbing some blankets and pillows from the "tool box". I laid out the blankets, setting pillows around the walls. (Name) wrapped her arms around my waist, mumbling something into my back as I turned and lifted her onto the truck bed. "Get comfy baby, alright?"

She nodded, crawling and laying on her back. She looked up at the stars.

We laid there together all night, looking up at the stars.

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