43A) Jimmy Valmer x Reader

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My Damsel In Distress

I rolled my eyes for the 100th time tonight, the stupid girls at my stupid public school was doing a "Costume Speed Date" for the singles in the area. Some how or another, my dear cousin Bebe dragged me into it as a "standee" girl. I slumped down in my seat, crossing my arms over my revealing knockoff 'Wonder Woman' costume. More like 'Wonder Slut', I wanna go home.

"H-He-Hey (N-Name), what are you doing here?" A stuttering yet soothing voice rang through my ears.

I looked up at Jimmy, a smile when I saw his 'FastPass' costume, obviously not exactly the same since we're much older now, but very similar. "Cute Jimmy, trying to win me over with the speedster yellow?"

He smiled, a chuckle leaving his lips. "If anyone is winning someone over it's you, you've definitely lassoed my heart, Wonder (Name)."

I blushed, sitting up and trying to cover myself better. "Thanks, but I'm totally uncomfortable looking like Wonder Whore, they won't let me wear my jacket.." I sighed, an aggravated look on my embarrassed face.

He slipped his thin jacket off, tossing it towards me. "Wear mine, it's always the heroes duty to save his lady." He smirked.

"You're pretty bold there, you making a fast pass at me?" I giggled, using his hero name as a pun always made me laugh.

"W-Well, I.. I w-wouldn't say a f-fast pass.. More like, a gentle flirt with a beautiful young lady that's had my eyes for a while.." He said, nervousness in his behavior.

I smiled, placing my hand over his that rested on the table. "I like you too Jimmy, good to know the feeling is mutual."

We talked  for the rest of the night, smiles on our faces along with a thin layer of deep red blush. Before I left, I kissed Jimmy.

"Goodnight Jimmy, I'll call you tomorrow and we can do something less... Costumey." I laughed.

"That sounds... so great (Name), I'll be waiting for it." He smiled, kissing my hand and saying his own goodbyes.

I walked down the street, my jacket in hand and Jimmy's still on my overly exposed frame. "Hey baby, wanna tie me up with that lasso?"

I scoffed, my face contorted in disgust. "Mmmm, no actually, I think I'll pass nasty stranger."

He frowned, a look of anger on his nasty face. "That's too bad, wasn't a choice bitch."

He grabbed my jacket from my hand, trying to pull me closer. I let it go and took off in the direction of my house. He was right behind me, so close to snatching me into an alley and destroying me. He finally got close enough to grab me by my hair, causing me to scream and fall, skinning my knees on the pavement.

*Jimmy's POV*

I was walking home, thinking of (Name) and how soft her lips were against mine. I turned the corner and tripped over a jacket laying on the ground. I sat up and looked at it, seeing that it was the one I gave to (Name)! Suddenly a scream rang through the air and I tried my best to get onto my feet. I ran towards the sound to see someone holding a knife to (Name)'s top. Rage filled my blood as I walked towards him. "Leave my girlfriend alone you fucking m-monster!"

The man turned to look at me and laughed. "What are you gonna do Crippy?"

(Name) gasped and slammed her hand into his throat. "Don't call him names!"

I smiled, grabbing her hand and pulling her up and behind me. "let me handle him, I don't want anything to happen to you."

The man stood up, rubbing his throat and charging towards us. I lifted up my arm and hit him upside the head with one of my crutches. He fell, holding his head and shaking. "Don't fucking touch my girl again you sick mother fucker."

I turned towards (Name) and put my hands on her cheeks. "Are you okay? Did he touch you? Do you want to... to.." I leaned towards her ear and whispered. "end him?"

She laughed softly. "No, you don't have to kill him, he'll feel regretful for this for the rest of his miserable life."

*Time skip*

I invited (Name) to stay over at my house so she wasn't alone after what happened tonight. "Hey Jimmy?"

I hummed in response, watching Terrance and Phillip fart in each others face. "Ye-yes (name)?"

"You called me your girlfriend when you were hitting that guy."

"I-I-I d-di-did?"

"Yeah, it just has me wondering a little is all."

"Wondering about w-what?" I asked, looking at her sweet little face.

"Maybe after tonight I c-could be... I-If you want.."

I smiled, and before we realized I was leaning over her kissing the softest lips on the planet.


I looked over her face, her beautiful (e/e) orbs were glossy and the light from the tv reflected her facial features perfectly. "I want you to be my everything, my girlfriend, my future wife, the mother to our children, the woman I give everything I have of every waking moment to every night when we go to bed together. I want all of your attention, and all of your love, affection, any and everything you're willing to give me. If you want the moon I'd zoom there and back with it just for you, you're the love of my life and I have to tell you this now before I might not have the cha-"

She cut me off with kissing, the best way anyone has ever told me to shut up. "I love you Jimmy Valmer, forever and always you will be my hero, and my everything."

"I love you too (Name), my damsel in distress."

We sat like this for a while, our foreheads resting against one another's. A few moments passed, my face red in embarrassment.



"Is my costume... arousing you.....?"

I tensed up, a nervous giggle escaping my lips. "M-Maybe..?"

(I'm making a second part which will be a LEMON, you've been warned and anyways this was a request for @ItzMaddy22 I hope this is okay I haven't watched Jack play the full game and I'm trying to I just wanna play the Sims bc Island Living and I'm sorry for the massive procrastinating. AlSo if you have requested something for this book and I haven't made it yet, please leave what you want in the comments bc I lost my notebook with all my requests (I'm sorry about that too, I suck lmao))

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