1) Craig Tucker x Reader

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Birthday Bash

Craig Tucker.

The biggest asshole in South Park.

To everyone else, he was just another teenager. To you, seventeen year old (Y/n) (L/n), he was a complete and total uncle fucker.

You may now be wondering as to why you called him such an awful thing, right? Well, it all happened on Wednesday, your birthday. You had just turned seventeen and were super excited to have the biggest birthday party of your life this Friday.

But Craig had a better plan.

He was going to throw a party on the same day you were going to throw yours on, and as always, he invited everyone. Of course they would all go, this was Craig Tucker, one of the most popular guys at South Park High. Not to mention one of the best looking ones, too. He's pulled this on you for the last 2 years, leaving you alone on your special day.

'Not this year asshole.' you thought to yourself as you took the invitation he had taped to your locker into your hand.

You groaned, is he doing this to rub it in your face that he was stealing your day to shine? You looked at the invitation in your hand.

Party at my house from 5 to whenever it ends. Be there or regret the best bash of the year.

- Craig"

With a sigh you shoved the invitation into the trash and walked towards the cafeteria.

After getting your lunch (and giving it to Cartman because you don't like to eat at school), you sat with your two friends, Damien and Pip.

You just sat there, with a straight face, similar to Craig's normal facial expression. Your face red with anger, and a deadly spark in your eyes. Pip took notice to this, nudging Damien with his elbow and sending his attention your way.

"(Y/n)? Are you alright, love?" Pip asked you as Damien stared at you with slight concern.

"Do I look okay Pip? " you said with venom lacing your every word.

"What's wrong with you?" Damien asked, leaning forward on the table to hear you better in the loud and crowded cafeteria.

"Fucking Craig is having a party the same day as mine. Again." you replied glaring at the handsome teen from across the room.

Damien followed your gaze, sighing as he looked back to you. "Why don't you go to this one?"

You gasped, covering your mouth towards your friend. "Are you insane? Why would I want to go?"

Pip looked at Craig, he was staring at you, like he normally did. Of course you never noticed, you were too busy talking about him. To Pip it was easy to notice who liked who in the school, and Craig liked you and vice versa, you were both too stubborn to fess up though. "I think you should go as well dear, maybe you'll be surprised. But if you hate it there, us three can go out for your party."

Now you were double offended, Pip too? Did Craig set them up? You faked being hurt and intentionally leaned back, but you leaned back a little too far, and with that, you fell backwards out of your chair and into Wendy.

Fucking great.
This should end well.
As if it will.'

"What the hell is your problem loser?" Wendy's high pitched voice screeched in your ear.

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