5) Clyde Donovan x Reader

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Blame it

As an average teenager, you were invited to a lot of parties. In fact, you were at one right now.

Your average high school parties of course had alcohol out of the wazoo, so with out a doubt, you were drunk. Your (s/c) face lightly red from your left cheek, over your nose, and onto your right cheek. Slightly clumsy on your feet, you were stumbling, but having fun none the less.

Looking for the host of this amazing party, you made your way to your friend Clyde.

"Dude! This party, wow, this party!"

Of course, being drunk and unaware of everything, you accidentally startled the poor guy. Clyde jumped, a small yelp coming from his soft looking lips as he turned to you with an angry look. After a few good moments of taking in your drunken features, he sighed.

"You scared the fuck out of me (Y/n).."

"I-I'm sorry.." You chuckled a bit. "Have you seen... who even threw this party?"

"I did, are you that drunk?" Clyde laughed.

"I might be." You gave him a flirty smile. "Care to find out?"

Clyde's face turned red. You were definitely bold when you were drunk, unlike any other time. You were mostly to your self and shy.

"I wanna tell you something since I'm fucked up and won't tell you when I'm" She stopped to hiccup. "When I'm sober."

"What?" Clyde looked at her slightly concerned.

"I really fuckin' like you man, like... like like." You smirked. "I could be your playboy bunny."

With that, you began leaning on him. Of course you're still unaware being so drunk.

"W-What?! What about your boyfriend??" He asked slightly panicked and trying to support your drunken weight.

"He lives so far away and blows me off constantly, fuck him!" You looked slightly upset.

"I-I think I should take you home, you live alone don't you?"

"Absolutely~" You purred next to his ear.

"Geez you're so drunk.."

He put your arm around his shoulder and tried to help you walk towards the door. Unaware that he looked suspicious and the fact that someone had taken a picture of the two making their way to the door.

"Oh I am so putting this on Twitter and tagging her boyfriend."


Clyde successfully got you into the passenger seat of his car and fastened your seat belt.

"I'm gonna play some music off the aux cord."

"That's fine, whats your address?"

"I live next to Stan." You said fumbling with your phone and the cord.

"Are you having trouble?"

You looked at him, eyes squinted and mouth slightly agape. "I think so, will you help?"

"Yeah" he mumbled plugging the cord into your phone. "There."

"Thanks, cutie~"

Finally finding the song you wanted to play, you found one even better below it. "This."

Tapping your screen on the song. "Is."

Turning up the radio a bit as to not scare either of you. "My."

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