16B) Kenny McCormick x reader

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(can we pls just take a minute to admire this artists idea of Kenny is?? Fun fact; he's got a tongue ring too 👅 hoowee how about that. :') ilysm artist ur the real MVP)

Monster Movie Marathon (Lemon)

It was the first weekend on a new month. It was yours and Kenny's monthly 'Monster Movie Marathon'!

You two have done this since you were old enough to handle scary films, in fact, some of them were so cringey, you could laugh at them! Kenny would describe how it feels if someone is killed in a way that he's been killed. You knew Kenny's biggest, not-really-a-secret, secret. For as long as you could remember Kenny always died, but unlike you, no one else did. He was very grateful for someone who remembered.

"Well if you really care about someone, you notice." You would always tell him, little did you know, you cared more than you would the first time you said it.

That's right! This sweet, perverted, hunky, blond-and-blue-eyed, sex good had your heart. He was your biggest heart throb, from the way he smoked cigarettes, to the day he did all those piercings you wanted him, your love never once faltering. "(Name)!"

You turned, watching the handsome devil run up to you in the halls.His Greenish high tops slamming against the floor. 'I wish I was the floor.' I thought, biting my lip.

"Hey sexy." He purred at me, grinning.

You rolled your eyes. "Hey Kenny, ready for this weekend?"

He nodded, pulling his orange face mask down a bit. A handsome smile on his face. You sighed, it's cliche, but he really is dreamy. I mean he's a babe, so it's totally understandable. "What's wrong? You fallin' for me yet?"

You rolled your eyes. 'Already fell so.. you're like.. what? I'm 18 now.. hmm 10 years too late?!'

"You wish McCormick." You purred at him, tracing your nail down his jawline.

{Kenny's POV}

I tensed. She was playing a dangerous game with me. I bit my tongue, avoiding the metal ball in it, I really hoped she didn't hear me groan. God that was so hot. I was going to get her tonight.

She twirled around, walking towards the door and jumping down the stairs. I smiled, she was such a goofball. She giggled, looking up at me as I pulled a cigarette out of my pocket, placing it between my lips walking down the stairs to her. "You're so goofy, it's cute!"

She rolled her eyes, giggling again. I lit the cigarette, placing my arms over her shoulder. She blushed, and walked closer. I smirked, she was totally into me. It's crazy that she's one of Karen's older friends. I was 19, she was a full year younger than me. I smirked, liking that she was.

"Hey can I ask you something personal, (Name)?"

She looked up at me, nodding her head. "Have you ever had sex before?"

She nodded, not being phased by my perverted question. "Yeah, I really like it. But, I've never had sex with someone I liked before. Just hook ups at parties."

I nodded. "What's your favorite way to do it?"

She smirked. "I really like it when the guy bites, scratches, chokes, and pulls my hair. But what really gets me off is him talking dirty in my ear and leaving hickeys while he plows me into the mattress."

I looked shocked. "Holy shit, you're a little freak aren't you?" I smirked at her.

"Look who I grew up with." She smirked back.

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