Capitulo 15

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Warning: Profanities, mention of sexual intercourse.

Warning: Profanities, mention of sexual intercourse

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Capitulo 15

SMIRKING, Emmanuelle kept tapping her nails while talking with Sofronio in her café.

Sofronio just couldn't get out of her leash, she basically had to drag him even though he already said that he had so many work to do.

He took a sip of his coffee, still had his stoic face that Emmanuelle paid no mind.

"Didn't know you have children. . . ."

"Nue, you can call me Nue, Sof," she introduced when he doesn't know what to call her aside from her nickname Bunny which he learned from Astennu.

"And they called me 'Papa' earlier too." That made the twins that were beside Emmanuelle snicker at what he mentioned.

Emmanuelle flicked her hand at him. "Just ignore my twins. They're just trying to scare you off."

Still not giving a good reaction, he asked, "Do they always do that?"

She laughed. "Nah. Sometimes they do that to annoy me but they do that most of the time when random people ask me out, just to get away from them."

He hummed, "Hmm? Why is that so? I don't see any significant other of yours—if that's okay for you to answer."

Emmanuelle nodded at him, agreeing that she doesn't have a partner. "Just bored introducing myself again and again and . . . I never plan to settle down nor have a romantic relation with anyone."

She pointed her thumb at her daughters that are now diving in their phones. "They're more than enough for me."

Sofronio nodded at her then later on said, "They're cadets in SJ? I think I've seen them around with Astennu."

Emmanuelle nodded, she kind of got startled when she heard his name again. "You're gone for almost half of the year, I never see you around in SJ."

That made Emmanuelle perked up on her seat. "Why? Miss me?" she teased.

Sofronio's face never change even though he can sense her teasing him. He's just too tired to argue, that's all.

"I'm not going to lie but when you're not around, it felt like the weight come off my shoulders."

"Hey! You miss my ass, don't lie!" Emmanuelle playfully crossed her arms, just wanted to show that she's upset. "You two! Don't laugh at your dear mother!" She whipped her finger on her daughters' arms who were cackling awfully because of what Sofronio said.

"You know Astennu never shut up about you for the past months," he informed that made Emmanuelle focus on Sofronio again. "While Kye is not himself while you're gone."

"Ooh. . . ." The twins elbowed their mother, they kept on giving banters to her.

Emmanuelle pressed her back on the couch, trying to relax. Damn, it's just Ashten being Ashten . . . that wasn't surprising.

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