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So I thought about the High School prequel story and I thought it wouldn't much sense if it started in high school because if the 'friends with benefits' with Buttercup and Butch thing would start then it would be around Senior year because junior year is young in my opinion and Blossom being in a abusive relationship at 17 or 18? I don't know. So I decided it would start in college because they are more older so it'll take place in their college years.

Hope you read it once this story ends.

Author POV:

When Butch and Buttercup arrive at the laboratory Brick and Blossom and Bubbles and Boomer are already there. "You're finally here" Brick says, his arms crossed. Butch rolls his eyes and ignores his older brother by walking past him.

"Thank you boys for bringing my daughters here" The Professor said, turning to his daughters to talk to them about a chemical they will be trying. Buttercup and Bubbles are confused why they need to take it if they are perfectly fine while Blossom stands silently.

Blossom is guessing the chemical they are talking about has something to do with the Portrait she saw a few hours ago. There's many questions that she wants to ask, but knows she wouldn't even get answers and will make her sisters worried and scared.

When Blossom does open her mouth she is immediately interrupted with Butch speaking up, she's been hearing him mumble a few seconds ago about something she's also curious.

"Where did you get that, Buttercup?" Butch asks Buttercup, his eyebrows are furrowed showing a few wrinkles and his lips are almost in a pout.

Buttercup turns to look at him and after a few seconds at staring at him, she realizes he's talking about the charm that's attached to the bead bracelet of green and orange beads. She pulls on her sleeve and tells him she's had it in her suitcase, but Butch doesn't believe her because the charm is a special charm that Butch got his son when Burst cried at seven years old on how everybody has a mom but he doesn't.

"I don't believe you." His voice deep and a glare is thrown at her making Buttercup grit her teeth, "Why do you care? It has nothing to do with you." Butch yanks Buttercup's arm up and pulls the sleeve down making Brick and Boomer suck in a breath.

"I knew it." Butch whispered angrily, "Burst knows about you, he fucking knows! I told you to stay in your room and not to get close to my son"
Buttercup tries to take her arm out of Butch's grip, but he's too strong.

"What do you expect? That day you left after us watching a damn movie he had walked in when I collected the plates! He ran to me calling me mom and how he misses me" Buttercup yelled out, and Butch tries his best to not show panic in his face or eyes.

Blossom's body tensed and she guesses that Brick noticed because she feels dark Ruby eyes on her.

"I told you to leave them there and go to your room."

"No you didn't, stop fucking lying." Buttercup is frustrated and upset, Butch's hand tightens in Buttercup's arm knowing that it might leave a slight bruise and she winces painfully. Boomer and the Professor try to step in, but their being ignored.

"What have you been telling my son?! And why the hell is that on your wrist when it shouldn't be!" Butch looks furious and can only glare at his wife.

"Fine! Ever since the day we met, I have been there for your son" Butch finally let's go of Buttercup's arm, "what do you mean?" He asks, Buttercup rubs her arm that has a red handprint, "I have been acting like a mother to him ever since he told me he never had a mother–"

Butch grabs Buttercup by her shirt and that's when Brick and Boomer are trying to pull him away, "Stay away from my son!"

"Your son? He doesn't even see you as a father! He told me you have never ever been there for him when he needed you! How cruel can you be?!" She yelled at him, defending the teenage boy that is probably having lunch now.

Buttercup is pushed back and they both glare at each other, Buttercup with hatred while Butch is just from anger and betrayal.

Butch grabs his keys and coat and leaves the house, not saying a word.

Buttercup doesn't know why but she feels her heart hurt and wants to tear up, but she ignores those feelings and acts as if nothing happened.

Everything is settled down, the Professor tells the boys that the girls will be sleeping over at his place and the next day they will have to pick them up. The girls don't ask any questions, but Brick and Blossom exchange a look making her feel shy.


Burst is in the cafeteria eating his lunch he has taken out from the fridge earlier and waits for his cousins to sit down as well.
When Brake and Brooke come over with their tray, the three boys begin to talk about what they plan on doing on Saturday the conversation goes on until Brooke whispers, "I still can't get over the woman who was in my dad's guest room"

The two boys stare at him, "Sorry" he mumbles quietly, "It's okay." Brake tells him and Burst feels bad for seeing his cousins sad face that he reveals about the woman in his father's home that has been hiding.

Brake and Brooke stare at him in shock. The questions that are thrown at him make his head spin in circles and he tells them that how odd it is for a woman to be in Brookes house and Burst as well.

Brake could tell what they are thinking so he–"There are a lot of woman in this world who are born with blue and green eyes."

Three girls sit down at their table and Brake groans at the girl who sits next to him, "What are you guys talking about?" One of them asks, and Brake is the one who tells his crush about the conversation.

Brooke said that the woman had a few similarities to his mother, but it just couldn't be because he's been told she passed away. While Burst is told that his mother left them.

The three girls start to think and Bella is the first one to speak, "Do you know how your mother looks like, Brake?" She asks, for once she looks serious and not flirty. "Yeah," he opens the case of his phone and shows an old picture of his mother smiling at the camera while wearing a pink blouse.

"Well, if you see a random woman in your house or with your father and she has pink or red eyes...it could mean–"

Brake shook his head not believing it, "Bella is right, if the woman has red or pink eyes it could be her. There's no woman in this world that would have pink or red eyes unless they have powers, Brake." Bethany tells before taking a bite of her chicken nugget.

"If she is there then it's possible that they are still alive or have came back." Bianca said, staring at the three boys who look back at her.

"But when I met her she told me she isn't my mother and that I'm mistaken." Burst told them, bitting his lower lip. "What if she's lying?"

"She wouldn't."

"But what if she is?"



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