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Author POV:

"Yes...Yes..Oh, okay. That's totally fine...Oh, I see. Okay, thank you for the head start." The call ends, and the nurse puts the telephone down.

The nurse groans, and writes a letter for the three boys to notify any school officials that the boys will leave early on their own, given the permission from the parents.

Brooke exits the bathroom with a sly smile and sits down next to his cousins before giving them a fist bump.

"Here you go, now please leave my office." The nurse tells them, looking obviously frustrated. The three boys leave the office without another word and quickly go to their lockers to grab their belongings for the day.

"Can we go now?" Brake asked, leaning against the lockers while his cousins were still shoving some papers in their backpack.

"Yeah yeah, we can go now." Burst mumbles, and follows his older cousin from behind. The three left the school by flying out and going down to the city to get to Brake's house. It was quick and easy the way when getting inside the house.

Brake had thrown his backpack on the couch before guiding his cousins down to the halls to the different rooms at each side of the walls.
"We should split up, it'll be easier to collect DNA and to find any evidence to this past week" Brake told his two cousins.

"That's a great idea, I'll explore the rooms on the right and Brooke can explore the ones on the left. You can try to explore your dad's office, there has to be some pieces of information inside there." Burst said, turning his face to Brooke to get support and Brooke nods his head in agreement.

The split up idea goes very well at first, Brooke doesn't find much from the rooms he goes inside. He only found the laundry room, many closets, extra ingredients room, the men's cave, and the bathroom.

Burst finds the training room then the basement and finally the bedrooms, everything seemed fine until the last bedroom seemed suspicious. At first Burst thinks Brake's father is having an affair, but when looking around, Burst notices the hidden suitcases underneath the bed and extra weapons along with old types of technology.

For example, a pink flip phone? Burst puts it in his pocket as important evidence.

Burst moves the pillows and covers from the bed, but still can't find any useful DNA. Burst thinks the room is useless after a few minutes, but his luck is restored once he saw a pink hairbrush in the private bathroom.

Burst leaves the bedroom, feeling glad he found useful materials and bumping into Brooke, who look's disappointed. "Are you done checking the rooms?" Brooke asked, and Burst nods his head. "We should look for Brake to let him know–"

The front doorknob to the house jiggled and both cousins freeze at the moment, alarmed from the sudden sound "shit." "Oh fuck." Nothing, but curses come out when the door opens and they see their uncle.

They have the chance to run into a room and hide, but the amount of terror filled in their body forces them to not move an inch.

Once Brick steps inside and walks his way to the hallway, he is surprised to see his two nephews standing there like the two Grady twins. It hits Brick when he realizes that his two nephews don't have a key to his own home and his son isn't around.

Brick crosses his arms, and raises his eyebrow at the two boys, "What are you two doing here?" Brick checks his wrist watch, "And early back from school?" Burst and Brooke open their mouths, but nothing besides random rumbling comes out of their mouths which confuses Brick more.

It doesn't last long though because Brick sees Brake coming out of his office and Brick pushes the two boys aside to walk over to his son in anger. "What were you doing inside my office?" Brick asks, his teeth gritted together and his ears began to turn red.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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