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Author POV:

"Where's your father?" Burst asked his redhead cousin. Brake shrugged, "Who knows, he's probably at work or in his office right now." Brake said, leading both his cousins into his room so they could play overwatch.


The Professor let out a heavy sigh, "Alright, so what I'm going to do is paired you up guys. Girls your going to live with your counterparts for a few days.. uh maybe a week or two." He said. Blossom crossed her arms, "There's no way I'm going to live with this jerk for a few days." Blossom said. "Same here, he stinks." Buttercup pinched her nose as she stared at Butch with disgust.

Butch lifted up his left arm and sniffed his armpit, shrugging at the smell. "Ehh, she's right." He said. Buttercup cringed at him. Bubbles glared towards Boomer, "I don't feel comfortable living with him." Bubbles whispered. Boomer frowned and looked away.

"It's alright girls, each of their houses have a guest room-" Buttercup interrupts and widens her eyes at her dad. "Did you expect us to sleep in the same bedroom as them?!" The Professor shook his head and let out a sigh, "Girls please. Just for a few days, alright? No complaining and... who knows? Maybe by the end of the week you guys would be friends?" The Professor smiled.

"As if." Blossom's said. "The ruffs and I will be talking about some personal problems later on today, for now, you girls get over to their houses so the ruffs could give you a tour."


The car ride to Brick's house was silent, Brick tried to start a conversation but it just made it awkward for each other.

"So um this is my home. As you can see it's big, I hope that doesn't bother you." Brick gives a small chuckle and Blossom must hummed in response. Both redheads leave the car and make their way to the door. Brick walks up the steps and pulls out his gold key.

"You'll like it." He says. Blossom stays quiet still. Brick opens the door and let's Blossom step in first. Blossom gasps a bit, it looked beautiful. "I'll take you to your room firs-"

"Dad, can Burst and Brooke stay over for the night?" Brake walks into the living room, his eyes focused on his iPhone as he asked the question to his dad. Brick quickly panics and pushes Blossom into a closet.

"Hey!" She yells out.

Brick walks over to his son, and grabs him by his shoulder, "Why don't you and your cousins stay in your room for the whole night? I'll just bring things you need to your room." Brick says, giving a nervous smile. Brake raised his left eyebrow up, questing his father sudden weird attitude towards him.

Blossom looks through the closet, trying to see who Brick was talking too and who she saw was a tall redhead boy, a teen perhaps. He wore a beanie and casual clothes. His eyes.. they were pink. 'Who is he?' she thought.

"Um well thanks dad. I'll be heading back now." Brake says, turning around to leave. Brick stands there til his son is finally out of sight. Brick lets out a sigh, and goes to the closet quickly and opens it up.

"I'm so sorry." He keeps repeating to Blossom and Blossom doesn't respond to his apology, but instead ask a question that made Brick a bit nervous.

"So.. you have a son?" She asks, staring at Brick's red ruby eyes. Brick rubs the back of his neck, "Um yeah." He responds, "And your married too?" She asks again. Blossom notice Brick's confused look so she points towards his hand, where his engagement ring is place on his finger.

"O-Oh right, yes." He says. "Are you sure I can stay? Isn't your wife going to get annoyed or anger?" Blossom puts her hands on her hips.

"No, um, she died a few years ago from an accident." Brick's voice turns a bit low, feeling a bit uncomfortable talking about it. Blossom's eyes widen and she apologizes right away, "I'm so sorry for your lost, I should've never brought up anything." Blossom bites her lower lip.

Brick shakes his head and gives her a smile, "It's alright. You didn't know." Brick says, putting a hand on her shoulder. "You must really miss her..." She whispered. Brick stares at Blossom's plump lips that are being bitten by her teeth.

"Don't bite your lip, your going to hurt yourself, and then I'll have to heal them." He whispers, his dumb rubs on her plump lip, startling her by his action.

"Um Brick?" she asks, Brick snaps out of his thought and apologizes quickly, Blossom giggles and "Can you take me to my room please?" She asked. Brick nods his head and leads her the way to her pretty pink room.

"I hope you like it."

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