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So...apparently half of my face is in pain and a bit swollen from the seizure I had at school on Thursday. Not gonna lie, I feel hideous and pissed off cuz the stupid nurses had let my head/face hit the floor repeatedly. 

I'm hoping writing will help me.


Author POV:

"Mom!"  Burst yelled out, his hand letting go of his bag and making a loud 'thump' on he ground. 

"Mom?" Buttercup mumbled confused, and furrowed her brows at him. Before she knew it, she felt arms wrap around her waist, and a body pushed against her making her stumble back and drop the bowl on her head. 

"You have no idea how much I missed you, I thought you had actually left us! B-but it doesn't matter because your b-back!" He said, looking up at her and smiling brightly. Buttercup gave him an awkward smile and let out a small cough. 

Buttercup slowly placed the cans back onto the coffee table, and slowly removed the boy's arms from her waist, making Burst confused yet still smile at her. "Oh! You probably wondering where's dad! Don't worry, he'll be back and we can catc-"

"Dude, chill," Buttercup said, putting her arms out and put her pointer finger onto her lips to make him stay quiet, "I'm not your mother, kid. I never even dated anyone." Buttercup said, crossing her arms and putting her weight onto one leg. 


"You must've mistaken me for someone else who looks like me." Buttercup shrugged, "If your not my mom...then who the hell are you? and why are you in my home?" Burst eyes light up to a dark green imitating his father when he's angry. 

"Your dad invited me to stay here for a few days, you were obviously not supposed to find out, but whoops!" Buttercup said, making jazz hands and rolled her eyes in annoyance. 

"My dad is bringing hoes to the house?" Burst muttered, "What did you say you little brat?" Buttercup asked in a deep scary voice, "N-nothing" Burst quickly responds, and stays quiet to take a good look at the woman's features. 

"Your eyes-"

"What about my eyes? I know their big, you don't got to remind me." 

"No..their light green..." Burst whispers, and Buttercup shrugs, "So? a lot of people's eyes are green." Burst doesn't say anything else about her eyes and stands quietly.

"Look, can you do me a favor to not tell your dad that you know about me?" Buttercup asks, and looks at the teen boy with pleading eyes. Burst thinks about it for awhile and then sighs, Buttercup taking it as a 'alright'. 

"But tell me your name first!" Burst quickly said, not letting Buttercup off the hook without knowing her first name. 

Buttercup bites her lower lip, and thinks it's best he doesn't know her name or else it'll cause bigger problems since he already knows her. 

But wait...

She's Buttercup? How doesn't this boy know about her? Whatever, she'll just fake a name and ask him later if he knows who the Powerpuff girls are. 

"My name is ruby...ruby really?" Buttercup mumbles to herself, and waits for the boy's reaction. "Cool, so...my father won't be back until nine, you wanna play some Ape Escape 3?" Burst rubs his arm and doesn't make eye-contact with Buttercup. 

He honestly feels embarrassed how earlier he had ran towards her to hug her, she probably thinks he's crazy for how he mistaken her as his mother, but can you blame him? the woman in front of him right now looked exactly like her mother except this woman had long black hair and two scars, one on her left cheek and the other one near her right eye.

He felt stupid. 

Burst realized that he still isn't over the fact his mother left them. 

"Sure, kid." Buttercup walks over to the coffee table to pick up the cans and the bowl thats on the floor. "Let me throw this away first, and you can start up the game." She said, leaving the room with a small smile. Burst just nods and walks over to the mountain of video games to find Ape Escape. 

After a few minutes, Buttercup comes back and sits down on the couch, "Ready?" She asks, and Burst nods again. 


"Mom, I need your advice on something..." Brooke whispers, feeling his hands turn sweaty and shaky before looking up at an old statue of his beloved mother. 

Brooke had a secret place he would go when he was dealing through tough problems, a place not even his cousins knew about. 

Brooke had found the secret place around the age of seven, he already knew how his mother looked because of the small photo hidden in his father's wallet. He just didn't ask much about her, because he knew it was a sensitive topic for his father. 

It seemed as if the statue was supposed to be hidden by the location it was in. It had flower vines around the statue and cracks on some parts, Brooke wished he could fix the broken arm.

"Father has been disappearing more than usual...and.." Brooke gulps, "There's a woman in the guest room, I'm not sure who she is and what her relationship is with father...but...what should I do? Should I ask him? I would usually see dad pray for you and beg god to bring you back, but I know it's impossible and...I think he finally realized it," Brooke looks at his mother's eyes that had no life in them, just gray and hard.

"I wish you could respond back to me, I wish I could listen to your voice...even if it's for a second." 

A breeze passed by and Brooke let out a heavy sigh, "If only.."

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