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Author POV:

It didn't take long for Boomer to find Bubbles, since he knew her for years now, it was a place she would always go when she was stressed out or depressed.

Bubbles had told him in his high school years that she would always go there because it was the best place to look at the Townsville bright lights at night. The place made her worries go away and to think about how to fix the situation.

"Leave me alone." Bubbles told Boomer, sensing his presence. Bubbles kept her eyes on the bright lights of Townsville and the beautiful people walking down the streets with joy and happiness. "I'm sorry for my behavior and my actions." Boomer said, standing a few feets away from her.

"Townsville has changed a lot, there are more buildings and houses." Bubbles sadly mumbled, "I'm serious Bubbles, I shouldn't have yelled or touched you." Boomer continued.

"I missed out a lot,"Bubbles sighed, and her small hands squeezed on the long sleeve sweater.

Boomer looked down at his shoes, clearly knowing he was being ignored by Bubbles. He looked back up and saw Bubbles continually looking at the street and building lights. Boomer bit his lower lip, before taking the risk to walk over to her.

Bubbles heard his footsteps and she froze, she didn't want to turn around and be in contact with his blue ocean eyes, the eyes that would make her mad yet make her heart flutter at strange times.

"No, you didn't. and even if you did, you can always try to make up for them." Boomer said, making the conversation positive. Bubbles hum in response, and realizes Boomer isn't even close to her. She looks to the left and sees him standing far away from her, and looking down at the town.

"Let's talk." Bubbles said, a serious tone in her voice. Boomer nods, and sits down on the floor, his legs dangling at the edge of the building. Bubbles slowly walked over to him and stands next to him. "I forgive you, but I won't forget."

Boomer doesn't say speak and waits for Bubbles to continue talking. "I know I'm only at your house for a few days, but at least tell me who was that kid," Bubbles bends down and then sits next to him.

Boomer doesn't answer for a while, debating if he should tell her or not, because if he tells her that's his son, she'll probably start suspending something. But if he doesn't tell her, she'll tell her sisters about it.

Which would cause bigger problems of course.

"If I tell you, please don't tell anybody else." Boomer turns to face her, and he is quickly met with baby blue eyes. "I won't." Bubbles say, sticking out her pinky. Boomer gives a soft smile and connects his pinky with hers.

"He's my son, he just turned 16 this September," Boomer gulps, and grips onto his dress pants. "I don't spent much time with him, so I can't tell you alot about him." Boomer sadly smiles, and looks down at his lap.

Boomer's eyes widen when he sees a small hand on top of his, her fingers intertwining with his. "That's alright," Bubbles softly said, she lifts his chin with her delicate hands. Boomer would remember the next thing be her kissing him, but of course this isn't Bubbles from 16 years ago.

"Let's turn that frown upside down," Bubbles smiled brightly at him, Boomer's lips turn a soft smile, his eyes showing full adoration.


"Here's your strawberry pancakes with chocolate syrup, and freshly made strawberry smoothie." Brick said, placing the tray on top of Blossom's lap.

Blossom rubs her eyes, and let's out a small yawn. "What time is it?" Blossom mumbles, "eight o'clock," Brick response, Blossom nods and begins putting a piece of pancake into her mouth.

"Mmm~" Blossom moans at the yummy taste, "Delicious" she says, taking another piece. "I'm glad you like it, I'll be heading out, the professor wants to talk to me about something, so I'll be back later." Brick tells Blossom, Blossom gives a nod, and lifts the mug to take a sip of her drink.

"I left some books on top of the drawer, call me if you anything's wrong, bye." Brick places a small kiss on Blossom's head, and quickly leaves the room.

Blossom eyes widen, and she stays frozen in place. "What the-"

"I'm off to work, honey! Don't worry, I'll be back early! Love you!"

Blossom drops the mug on the bed, spilling the smoothie all over the blankets. "Shit!" Blossom groans in annoyance, and lifts the mug to leave it on the nightstand. "What the hell was that?" Blossom eyebrows furrowed, and she rubs her head from the sudden memory.

Blossom shakes her head, "I need clean this mess up," Blossom mutters, and gets up from the bed.


"Why the hell did I kiss her?!" 


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