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Author POV:

It had been years since Brick and his father last talk. It had been years since Mojo stopped caring if his sons still loved him. It had been years since HIM left and It had been years since Brick stopped worrying if his father would ever need his help.

Mojo has no longer talked in third person. He has gotten taller than his sons. It amazing how years can change a person.


"Why do you even need my help?" Mojo asked, before taking a quick smoke of his blant. Brick didn't say anything for a few seconds making Mojo say something. "Speak up boy! I don't got all day." He told. "Dad I just need your help to take care of Brake. That's all." Brick said, leaning against the balcony.

"You want me to do babysitting? After years of not talking. You want me to babysit your teen son? are you serious Brick?" Mojo asked, clearly anger in his voice. Brick gritted his teeth. "Why are you getting mad at me? You and mom were never there for us! Me and Butch and Boomer been on our own ever since you two found out we were dating the girls." Brick yelled.

"You were born to create evil, not fall in love with some superheroes that always beat the shit outta you guys!" Mojo said, his eyes darkened.

"And You were supposed to be a good parent, yet here we are because your bitch ass decided to betrayed us." Brick glared at his father, feeling pain but also anger in him. Mojo pushed his sons chest, making Brick stumbled back. "You listen to me Brick, no matter how big your powers grow I'm still your father."

Brick scoffed and crossed his arms, "What father? I just see a monkey that should be put in the zoo."


He shouldn't had said that.

It was quiet for a few seconds, before Mojo furrowed his eyebrows and his face showed pain from his son words. He looked away from Brick, and left the balcony.

Brick groan in frustration and bit his tongue on purpose to not let out a single tear. "Don't c-cry." He whispered to himself. "D-Don't c-cry" he stuttered, his voice already breaking.

"D-Don't cr-" Brick's tears dropped and his lips trembled. But before he could fall to the ground or fly off somewhere to let out all his thoughts and sadness. He felt arms wrapped around his waist.

"It's going to be okay Brick. Just don't cry."

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