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Bubbles quietly unpacked her clothes and other things that she brought with her. Boomer stood by the door and watched her put her clothes away in the drawers.

"What do you want?" Bubbles asked, keeping her eyes on her clothes.

"Huh? Oh, nothing." Boomer said, "Then leave." She demanded. Bubbles hate that Boomer is in the same room as her. Yes, she's grateful he's giving her a home and a room for her to stay. But.

"But, can we talk for a bit?" He asked, hoping she'll say yes. "No, there's nothing to talk about." She quietly said. "Yes, there is! There's a lot to talk about!" He yelled, startling Bubbles and making her look up to make eye-contact with him.

"Talk about?" Her confused look frustrated Boomer. "Talk about how you can't remember me!" He groans and lets his hand ran through his locks of hair. "Of course I do..." Bubbles smiled, Boomer steps closer, "You do?!"

"Of course, you're the bastard who dumped a bucket of honey on top of my head and threw feathers at my body. You're the bastard that pulled down my skirt in front of the whole school! You're the bastard who made my high years miserable, and after all that, you still didn't get kicked out."

Boomer's smile turns to a frown and his body slumps. "Well, I know I wasn't the um best classmate, but I changed and-"

"Boomer, do me a favor and leave me the fuck alone." Bubbles plead. "No! You have to remember me! Please remember me!" He yelled, stepping closer to Bubbles. Bubbles backed away and hit her back on the drawers.

"Bubbles, please." Boomer's eyes showed pain and desperation. But Bubbles couldn't respond to him because she didn't know what to say. "I'm sorry." She whispered.

Boomer forcefully grabbed onto Bubbles' shoulder, making her scream in horror. Boomer shook her and pleading for her loudly to remember their memories, but Bubbles was terrified so she began to cry and plead him to let her go.

It soon stopped.

The bedroom door unlocked and revealed a blonde teen boy. Boomer's and Bubble's eyes widen. Boomer didn't know how to explain to his son the situation he was in now and Bubbles didn't know Boomer had a son.

The teen boy stood in confusion and frightened Before Brooke could even let out a single word out, Boomer grabbed the door and slammed it on his face. Brooke stood in shock outside the room, standing alone in front of the big wooden door in the dark hallway. He furrowed his eyebrows and slowly walked away to go to his room.


Bubbles pushed Boomer with force, making him fall on the bed. "You're here, forcing me to remember something that I don't even know and probably has never even happened, while you have a teen son!" Bubbles yelled in anger.

"You probably have a wife too! and-"

Boomer stood up and grabbed Bubbles by her chubby cheeks, crushing their lips together, once again forcing her into doing something she didn't want to do.

Bubbles stomped on his foot and pushed him away again. She shook her head and left the house by flying off, leaving Boomer alone in the room. Boomer sighs and puts his elbow on top of his knees, his face resting on the palm of his hands.

"I messed up again."

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