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Author POV:

It was a sunny bright day in Townsville. The birds were chirping and people were getting ready for the day. But one red head boy was still in bed sleeping peacefully. His soft snoring and saliva dripping down his mouth to the pillow.


Brake groan as he slowly started opening up his eyes to see the bright sun. "Ugh, Morning already?" He whispered annoyed. He felt his body weak and in pain from the intense workout he did yesterday and the training of his superpowers. He had no energy in him to get out of the bed.

He wanted to tell his father he was 'sick', but he doesn't think his father is in the mood for any bullshit. Brake turn to the left side of the bed ignoring the sun that was hitting his face and body. He closed his eyes and waited for his mind to shut down until ..

"Brake Jojo woke up immediately!"

Brake wanted to yell out so badly to let his anger out. He just wanted to sleep and hug his pillow tight. But I guess there's somethings that can't happen your own way. Brake slowly sat up on his bed and tried his best to get his eyes fully open. He pulled off the blankets from his body and started walking his way to the bathroom to get ready for the day.

When he finished his business. He washed his hands and grabbed his toothbrush while putting on some toothpaste on it too. As he started brushing his teeth his mind kept running through weird thoughts. Mostly about his existence.

He soon snapped out of his thought and spit out the toothpaste, washing up his mouth and face. He grabbed one of his white hand towels and started drying off his Hands and face. He walked over to his drawers pulling out some regular black jeans and then made his way over to his walk in closet. He started looking through his aisles of shoes and other clothes.

~Few Minutes Later done with his Shower~

Brake wrapped his towel around his torso and grabbed a towel to dry his hair off as he walked back into his bedroom. He let out a sigh of feeling a bit stress of his Test's coming up.

He dried off his body and started putting on his outfit; A simple white T-shirt, black jeans, red 11 MJ shoes, black nike hoodie.

Brake smile at the mirror that was in front of him. He was definitely ready.

Oh shit, I forgot my beanie. Where is it?

Or maybe not.

Brake look around the room to find his beanie hat. As it kept taking longer for him to find it. His father kept getting frustrated from waiting.

Soon Brake finally found it. It was under his pillow. Weird.

He put on his beanie and grabbed his bag full of School Folder's and Notebooks, like the usual boring stuff for school. He headed downstairs to see his father waiting at the door pissed off.

"Why did you take so long? I'm going to be late for work"

"Sorry Father"

Brake grabbed an apple that was on the bowl in the kitchen and headed out the door with his father. Brake usually never fly to school. He took the bus or got a ride from his dad.

As they both got in the car Brake immediately put on his seatbelt knowing how his father driving skills can be a bit crazy. Brick pressed the red Button that was in his car and started putting in the key.



"Why do we always fly with the car for me to go to school? Can't I just fly my way" Brake asked. Brick ignored his question and continued driving. Brake let out a sigh and look out the window.

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