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Author POV:

Brick, leader of the RowdyRuff Boys back then was making his way to the Utonium House. A big White House with a red door and Three big circle windows in the front of the house. The colors of Green, Pink and Blue.

It's been awhile since Brick has came to the Utonium House. He didn't like coming because he didn't feel comfortable being around the Famous Scientist Professor Utonium and it would bring Old horrible yet good memories in that house.

Brick made a last turn as he was close to the house. Driving wasn't bad, it did bother him when it came to traffic but other then that, it was good. As Brick parked his car in front of the house, he got out and shut the door tight. He took out the key of his car which had a button on it. He pressed it making a beeping sound telling him it was locked.

Brick walked over to the house, his hands in his pockets and his steps being the only thing heard.

*Knock* *knock* *knock*

Brick stood there still when he was done knocking on the door. He stood there for a minute or two getting frustrated. He knocked again on the door this time the door finally opened.

"Sorry Mr.Jojo" The tall man with Black Hair, wearing a white coat lab with pens in the small pocket in the front said, letting the redhead man inside. Brick looked around the house as it still hasn't change a bit, he smiled a little.
"Um Brick?" Said the Professor. Brick got out of his thought and turn around to face the Scientist. "Huh?"

The Professor looked at Brick kinda nervous and a bit scared. He didn't know how to explain it to him. He felt he shouldn't have invited him over, if he told him maybe he'll start freaking out and destroy something since Brick has anger problems.

"Can you come to the lab with me?" He asked. Brick nodded his head and then followed him as they went down to the lab where all the Machines and chemicals were. Brick looked around the place with just a serious face. "So what is that you want to explain?" Brick asked him.

The Professor gulped down. His forehead was sweating a bit. "I think I found a way I can bring the girls back" he said. Brick let out a annoyed sigh. 'Not this again' Brick thought. The Professor has been thinking of ways to bring back the girls or what happened for months.. Wait no..


"If you just let me exp-"

"Why can't you just stop already with this?" Brick asked him. He got tired Everytime he came over the house, the Professor only talked about bringing them back.

"But Brick If we just-"

"Just what? There's nothing we can do"

"If me and your Brothers can try to put some of your powers inside this, I can travel it inside the machine and I can put some of the other Chemicals I been studying on"

"Oh my gosh, no. This is ridiculous"

"But Brick-"

" Professor even if your studying all this junk and stuff. It ain't gonna work. Your wasting you time"

"Well Brick If-"

"Just stop it, I'm leaving"

"Brick! If you can just put some of your energy or powers in the-"


"I'm trying to-"

"Trying what?! YOU BEEN TRYING EVER SINCE BRAKE BEEN 1 YEARS OLD. YOU BEEN TRYING FOR FUCKING YEARS AND NONE OF THEM WORK" Brick was losing it, He came all this way just to get in a argument and yell. Getting himself in stress.

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