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Author POV:

Blossom's body trembled as her eyes stayed glued on the huge portrait. Her mouth opened, but nothing came out. She just furrowed her brows in confusion, 'How is this possible? he told me his wife passed away though...'

Blossom took a few steps forward, and touched the painted Portrait gently, her fingertips  tracing the rose vines that's painted around. "June.. sixteen... two thousand sixteen" Blossom read, wiping off the dust. 

Anybody would think Blossom is staring at a family portrait, but no.

It was a wedding portrait. 

Blossom was wearing a beautiful white dress that had sparkles and pink blossom flowers on it. She could tell that the wedding dress's train was really long from it disappearing from the frame and that the dress must've costed a lot.  

What also shocked Blossom was how happy she looked in the painting, and how she let Brick hold her body close to his with his arm around her waist . Blossom went into her tippy toes and once her hand touched his face to wipe the dust off, she gasped and a memory appeared. 

"I love you so much, Blossom, please stay with me forever." Brick said, a bright smile forming on his lips and his eyes showing how in love he was. 

"Get ready for the picture!" an unknown voice yelled out, making Brick's attention look behind Blossom, "Come on Beautiful" He said, kissing her forehead before Blossom turned around to pose. 

Her eyes now landing onto the person with the unknown voice. "Gorgeous couple." The artist said, smiling at them before disappearing behind the canvas. 

Blossom tumbled back and she let out heavy breathing, "What- what was that?!" Blossom's voice full with panic and confusion, she stared around her surroundings to see if she was still in the same place. 

Empty, quiet, dark, and dusty. 

Yup, she was still here. 

Does that mean she had a small flashback? If so, she needs to get back to her room to get an opportunity to scream without getting disturbed or found. 

(A/N: Me when I get home from school) 


Buttercup hit her walkie-talkie repeatedly on the bed's headboard, "Stupid crap! Why isn't this working?!" She yelled out, before opening it from the back to take out the batteries and put them in again. 

"Can you shut it!" A voice whispered-yelled. 

Buttercup turned around to see Butch stepping inside the room, and close the door behind him. "What are you doing here?" Buttercup asked, "What are you doing with that walkie-talkie?" Butch asked, dodging her question. 

"I asked you a question first" Buttercup said, squinting her eyes towards Butch. Butch sighs, "My son is going to be at his cousin's house for a few hours so, do you want to see that movie now?" 

Buttercup bit her tongue to hold back her smile, "Yeah, sure, whatever." Buttercup shrugs and drops the walkie-talkie on the bed. "Good, I'll be in the kitchen to make popcorn, you can come out anytime" Butch smiles, and leaves the room, quietly closing the door behind him "Yes!" Butch whispers, making a small fist with his hands. 


They were in the middle of the movie when Butch got a phone call, "Sorry, I have to take this." Butch said, and got up from the couch to answer his phone call in the kitchen. 

Buttercup nodded, and continue watching the movie. She placed the bowl of popcorn on her lap, and began to stuff more popcorn in her mouth. Buttercup paid no attention to the mumbling in the kitchen, if it didn't have her name in the conversation then she didn't care. 

After a few minutes, Butch came back to the living room and he looked frustrated, "I'm sorry Buttercup, butty work just called me and there was an issue at the office and..stuff?" Butch said, looking confused himself. 

"That's alright, you get going and I'll quickly clean up before heading to my room," Buttercup said, getting up from the couch to stretch her body. "Thanks hone-" Butch backs away from Buttercup once he realizes he's leaning in for a kiss. 

Buttercup stares at him with a confused and disgusted look, "Um-" 

"I think I should go"

"Yeah that would be good" 

The sound of the front door closing makes Buttercup sigh and begin to clean up the fallen candy wrappers and popcorn pieces. "You're not yourself when your hungry" Buttercup mumbles and takes a bite off a snicker bar

A few minuets pass and Buttercup is almost over with the cleaning. She picks up the two empty soda cans, and tries to balance the plastic bowl on her head, everything is fine until the front door unlocks and a person walks in. 

Buttercup freezes on the spot, and stares right back at the person who looks in shock and relief. 


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