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Author POV:

[Two Weeks Later]


"DAMMIT!" Burst yells out, throwing the controller onto the couch. "You cheated!" Burst tells Buttercup, pointing directly at her. Buttercup bursts out laughing and throws her body back. 

Burst felt so embarrassed that his cheeks began heating up. "Stop laughing!" Burst yells out again, his hands turning into fists while his shoulders stayed stiff. 

But Buttercup kept laughing so much, you could see small tears fill up her eyes. In anger, Burst grabs one of the couch pillows before hitting her with it. Buttercup dodged the first hit before getting knock out. 

For the past few days Burst hasn't been feeling so depressed with his life  or angry with his father. It seemed like all his problems have been disappearing.....or avoided? 

The cause for his healing has been the woman, who apparently right now is using a pillow as a shield. 

His cousins would always ask him questions like why would he be in such a hurry to get home? or why he would get double the food when he stopped at the convenience store?. Burst would always avoid the questions or weird looks from them. 

The woman was so much like a mother or a best friend that Burst didn't want to be one minute apart from her, he felt so scared that she might disappear or leave him just like his own mother. But Buttercup would always tell him to not worry about her leaving because her father wasn't letting her leave any time soon.   

At night thoughts would always absorb him, like why? why couldn't she have been her mother? and when will his father introduce her as his girlfriend? He wants to be able to hang out with her without her dashing out of the room once the door knob would jiggle. 

"Do you want me to make tacos?" Buttercup asks, organizing the pillows on the couch. "Yes!" Burst happily yelled out, a big smile on his face. 

Before he knew it, he felt a sudden shock when the woman in front of him smiled back... her smile was so similar to his mother's smile.

"Aren't you going to help?" Buttercup said from the kitchen. Burst nodded even though she couldn't see and quickly made his way to the kitchen. 


Detention sucked especially when you were stuck in the same room with your rival. 

Brake angrily writes down a apology letter to his science teacher on how he had accidentally made him purple. While Bella spit out spit balls at the back of Brake's neck. 

"Can you quite it!?" Brake yells out, and the detention teacher looks up from the papers her was grading to yell at Brake and warn him to stay quiet or it'll be a second detention for him. 

Bella innocently looks away, whistling a random song. 

When the teacher finally looks away. Bella smirks directly at Brake before blowing him a kiss, but of course Brake dodges it and gags at her making Bella glare at him.

The teacher quietly chuckles, pretending not to know anything.


"You three need to get the girls here by tomorrow

To Be Continued


Sorry that the chapter is really short, I just been busying with school. I hope you like it though. 

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