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Author POV:

"Hello?" Brake raspy voice was heard on the other line. "Brake! There's something I got to tell you!" Brooke said, looking at the door of his bedroom, hoping his dad won't open his door. 

"Can't we talk about this-" Brake yawns, "tomorrow? I was having a good nap." Brake says. Brooke rolled his eyes, "Your always taking naps, now listen to me!" Brooke yelled, "Fine." 

"I was walking down the halls, when I began to hear yelling and crying so I started to look through every room, because why the hell am I hearing yelling and crying? I reach the last door and-I found a woman in my dad's hidden rooms." 

There's a pause, and both cousins are silent. "So your dad is getting pussy?" 


"Ugh alright," Brake said, sounding annoyed. "Ya know, now that you mention about finding a woman in your dad's hidden room. My dad was also in one of his hidden room's today and was smily when he left." Brake sat up from his bed, moving the blankets away from his body so he could stand up. 

"We should call Burst." 

"Video chat?" Brooke asked, "Definitely." Brake answered. 


"Is that all?" Buttercup asked, laying down on the bed. "Yes, so don't break them or else-" 

"Or else what?" Buttercup rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "You can't do anything." Buttercup smirks and keeps her eyes locked with Butch's. 

Buttercup was right, he couldn't do anything or else he'll get in major problems. "Look, just listen to my rules and it's just for a few days." Butch says, giving a fake smile. " Now get change, it's late and you need sleep." 

"Thanks for reminding me, daddy" Buttercup chuckles and stands up from the bed to go to the private bathroom in her room. 

Butch flinches by the name, but tries to keep his cool. He hasn't heard that name fall out of her lips since high school. "Hey moron! Where's the shampoo's and conditioner?" Buttercup yells from the bathroom, making Butch snap out of his thoughts. 

"I'll let you borrow mines for tonight and tomorrow I'll get you your own." Butch tells her, and Buttercup only hums in response. 

Butch leaves the bedroom to go to his private bathroom. The name was called still lingers in his mind, Butch knows she was only joking since he was acting like as if he was dad. (Which he is, but she doesn't know) "Get over it, it's in the past." Butch told himself, "What's in the past?" a voice suddenly said. 

Butch's eyes widen and he looks startled, "Shit! You scared me there son." Butch said, and let's out a sigh. "Why are you here? Is there something you need?" Butch asks, and looks threw his room for a fresh new towel. "Well one I live here and two when is my next training?" Burst asks, looking impatient, "I don't know yet, but for now just keep practicing what we have been working on from last time." 

Burst nods, and leaves the room in silence. He walks down the halls, and his watch turns on, making the dark hall have a bit of light from his watch. He sees that he got a new notification from his cousins and webtoon. 

"Shitty iPhone! Turn on already!" A female voice made Burst stop walking, and he just stood frozen. He stood close to the door to wait to hear the female voice again, but he didn't. He shrugs and continues walking to his room. 


"Here, and be a little more quiet please." Butch mutters to Buttercup, "Why? You got somebody else in the house?" Buttercup asks, "No, my neighbors will complain about the loud noises." Butch lied, and handed the objects to Buttercup. 

Buttercup scoffs, "Yeah, sure,  and could you do me a favor?" Buttercup asks, and sets the stuff down on her bed, so she could begin to strip her clothes off. 

"What the-What are you doing?!" Butch panics, and covers his eyes from seeing Buttercup's body. "I'm getting ready to take a shower?" Buttercup gives him a confuse look, "Why are you covering your eyes? You seen my naked body before." 

Buttercup finishes taking off her clothes and wraps the white towel around her body. "You can undercover your eyes now," Buttercup tells him, and rolls her eyes at his relief reaction. 

"Can I know ask you for that favor?" She asks, taking her hair tie out of her hair. "Yeah, anything for you," He smiles, and leans against the door. 

"Good. Tell your dickhead brother, Boomer, to not fucking bother my sister or even dare to touch her again, or else I'll rip his arms apart and shove my foot down his throat." Buttercup warns him, her index finger hitting his chest. 

Butch gulps, "Yes, Yes, I'll text Boomer and tell him what you just said," Butch answers, and his smile changes to happy to terrified. 

"Thanks, I'll be taking my shower and good night." Buttercup says and turns around to walk towards the bathroom. 

Butch nods, and tells his dog to come along with him so they could leave Buttercup alone, but the dog growls at Butch and continues to lay down on the bed. 

"You can leave him, I don't mind having him in the room." Buttercup tells Butch, Butch doesn't respond and only glares at his dog before leaving the room. 

Butch knew this was going to be a long weekend, and he only hopes it turns out well. 


Hey guys.... Can you perhaps tell me what the kids age are? It's been two or three months since I have last updated this book, and I forgot the ages of the kids 😅. So if you perhaps know, please comment their ages so I can remember. Please.

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