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Author POV:

The whole room goes silent as Butch storms out of the lab room, it's Brick who breaks the silence by sighing loudly and saying he's going to head out before it gets too late. Boomer followed behind his older brother before giving Bubbles a soft smile goodbye.

Buttercup winces at the bruise already forming on her wrist and rubs it gently before she covers it with her sleeve. "Does it hurt that bad?" Bubbles asks, with a worried look. But Buttercup only scoffs, "Obviously not" Buttercup's face full of annoyance cause she knows what her sister will say next.

"I'll tell Blossom to get an ice pack-"

"No, if she does that, the professor will probably start asking questions. He's already doing test on us for no apparent reason." Buttercup whispers, and looks away to drop the conversation, but Bubbles continues. "But we aren't as powerful as we were before, Buttercup" Before Buttercup could say anything, Blossom excuses herself to talk to the Professor privately.

Which obvisoly makes Bubbles and Buttercup raise a brow, "Drink this once it turns blue, I'll be right back with your sister" The professor assures them before leaving the room. Buttercup stares down at the glass cup she was handed too and cringes at the smell and look. "Can I ask you something?" Bubbles speaks up, "Yeah, but hurry up" Buttercup rolls her eyes and tries to shake the cup to make the color change quicker.

"Why did you speak to Butch's son when he told you not too?" Bubbles asks, Buttercup takes a deep breath "At first I didn't know why, But after awhile I realize it was because I felt like I saw my younger self in Burst and Burst seemed to be very lonely, it looks like Butch isn't much around his son" she scrunches her nose and her younger sister tries to side hug her, "Well What Butch did was very wrong, you were just trying to help"

Once the drink turns blue, Bubbles gives Buttercup a big smile to assure her things will get better. They both drink the liquid on the same time making them unexpectedly pass out on their seats.

"Sweethearts!" The Professor yelled out when he came into the lab to see his two daughters knocked out cold. The Professors sighs in relief when he noticed they are still breathing, but feels like crying in disappointment when realizing there is something missing in his three daughters and it's harder than he thought. He needs help and obviously it'll have to be from someone who lives close by and knows just as much as he does. Or maybe more...

The Professor carries his daughters one by one to their childhood bedroom to lay them down, it takes time, but he doesn't mind. He goes into his office to look through his drawers to find the small scrap of paper that's folded with a written phone number. When he finally finds it, he unfolds it and dials down the phone number without wasting any time or thinking the consequence.

It rings for a seconds before they finally picks up. "Hello, Who is this?"

"Hello Dexter, This is Blossom's father. Could we talk?"


Burst and Brooke are sitting on their redhead cousin's bed while he rants on and on about how much his dad hides so much from him, but what confuses them more is the random happy dance he starts doing in the end.

"OOKAAYYY!! I'm going to get a drink of water, anybody wants anything, no? just me? Mm? Okay" Brooke walks out of the room mumbling a few words about how he should've stayed home doing homework or training. Burst and Brake watch in silent him leave before Brake starts dancing again.

Burst groans and rubs his forehead, "Brake, I thought you told me on the phone that you found your mother and that your father hasn't been loyal- aND CAN YOU PLEASE STOP MILLY ROCKING RIGHT NOW!" Burst yells out, and Brake slowly stops. "Sorry, I'm just so happy about the new information because this only means–" Brake waits for Burst to finish his sentence, "That you're father has been lying to face your entire life or that your mother probably only came back for fortune or she's not the heroic woman she once was, she's probably a evil villain and maybe that's why your father wants you out of it" Burst says with a deadpan face and can see the change in Brake face.

"How are you even coming up with these scenarios??" Brake asks, concerned for his cousin but Burst shrugs. "Well no, that's not what I meant. I meant that by my mother being alive, that means your mom is probably alive too and Brooke's mom. My mom would've definitely came back with her sisters by her side" Brake confidently said, and grabs Burst by the shoulders to shake him, "Just think about it, don't you think it's weird your just now seeing a women who looks like your mom in your home? And Brooke also saw a blonde women with his dad?" Brake steps back and waits for a response, but Burst sits down instead because Brake might be right.

"The suspicious thing about all of this! Is that our dad's are hiding it. But not very good because they are all hiding our mom's in the spare room in the house" Brake takes off his beanie to let his fingers run through his hair and massage his scalp, "I can't believe she might be alive" Burst whispers, his eyes tearing up.

Brake sighs before handing his cousin a tissue for the tears. "Hey, everything is going to be all right, we just need to get some proof it's really them." He assured him and Burst nods.

It's when the bedroom door opens that they both hear a yell, "What the hell is going on!? I'm gone for a few minutes and Burst is shedding tears. Got some snacks and drinks." Brooke said, avoiding the glares he's getting from his cousins. After Brake gives him the whole feedback about what he thinks is going on, he lets Brooke speak.

"Is there a plan? Or no?" Brooke asks before popping open a bag of Doritos.

"Obviously." Brake smirks proudly and puts on his famous red beanie on his firey red locks.

To Be Continued


I'm sorry this chapter took so long to update. I been stuck on writers block with this story and college has made it more difficult to find time to write or even find time for myself. I will try my best to update on this story as much as I can. I hope you like it and comment and vote ❤️😊

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