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Author POV:

When the bus drops off Burst at his home, he starts to  have this feeling in his stomach that something bad is going to happen once he enters inside.

Burst shakes off those feelings and enters the house just fine which has Burst shrugging his shoulder before throwing his bag on the couch. He goes to the kitchen and grabs two apple one for him and one for Buttercup. He looks outside the window from the kitchen and sees his father's car isn't home so he must be at work or with Burst's uncles.

He takes a bite off his apple and leaves the kitchen to walk down the halls of his house.

Once he's in front of the big brown door of the room where Buttercup is staying in, he knocks on the door "Ruby! I'm home!" Usually Buttercup would open the door after that and they would do something fun or Buttercup would try to help at least some of his homework he's stuck on.

Burst really wanted Ruby to teach him more about boxing since she was pretty good at it.

But the door doesn't open and Burst yells out again, but no. Not one response after Burst starts knocking on the door a bit louder and yelling out her name.

The door finally opens after a few more knocks and the person he sees makes him step back and flinch.

His father was staring back at him with a furious face and his arms are crossed on top of his chest. "D-dad!" He yells out and his back hits the wall. "What are you doing so early home?" He nervously asks, and Butch squints his eyes at him, "I should be the one asking you questions."

Burst stays silent and waits for his father to talk.
"Why have you been talking to the woman in here?" And "Do you have any idea how dangerous it could've been?" And "It was none of your business and had nothing to do with you that you had to talk to her!"

As the questions and yells keep coming at him Burst worries more about where the woman is and if his father had kicked her out or threatened her or something! So instead of answering any of his father's questions he yells out where 'Ruby' is.

Butch figured Buttercup never told Burst her real name or something very similar to it and he's thankful because it could've been worse.

"She's gone." He grits his teeth and Burst eye's widen, trying to look behind his father's body to look inside the room. But he seems to find no one in there.
"What did you do!" He yells out and Butch yells back, "It's none of your business!–"

Burst throws his arms in the air before pulling his hair, "Anything that happens in this house is not my business! It seems like I know nothing that happens here like I don't even live here! Dangerous? Dangerous?! If it was dangerous you wouldn't have kept her in here! It doesn't make any sense!"

Butch's eyes light up dark green as his son goes on, but once Burst takes a deep breath, "Why are you asking? You don't care what goes on around my life! You never cared so why? Why, dad?"

Butch doesn't respond and it's because he doesn't have one and he can't even make up an excuse because his son's words keep repeating in his head.

"She was the only one who actually cared about me." Burst whispers and just remembering how 'Ruby' was there for him more than his own father that he's been living with for 15 years now, has him tearing up and hang his head low.

He let's out a broken cry and runs to his room before his dad sees his face because he knows how cruel his dad can be when it comes to crying.


Once the rowdy ruff boys leave the Professor's home, the three girls wait patiently for their dad to put the purple liquid in three cups to drink it.

While the three girls wait, Buttercup is rubbing her arm that has a purple bruise already forming and Bubbles is talking to Buttercup about the argument between her and Butch.

But Blossom stands silently next to her sisters and bites her lower lip, she wonders what the drink will be about and wants to ask her dad about the portrait.
When the Professor hands them their drink, Buttercup and Bubbles gulp it down right away, but Blossom just looks down at it for a moment then looks back up to walk towards her dad that is standing, his back facing her.

"Dad" She taps his shoulder and looks back for a second to see her sister's sitting down right away.
"Yes, Blossom?"

"I need to talk to you about something, it's important."

The Professor tells Buttercup and Bubbles that he needs to talk to Blossom privately. They leave the room and Blossom begins to talk to him about what she's been feeling.

"I been having slight visions here and there, and would have feelings that seem familiar to me. Also...d-dad I saw a portrait..." Blossom says, staring at her confused and worried father. He tells her to proceed, "It was Brick and I! And...and I was wearing a white long dress and holding flowers in my hands while Brick stood next to me with a tuxedo." Blossom takes a deep breath and let's it out, and the question she asks her father has her knowing there's something not right.

"What's going on?"

The Professor freezes at first and looks back at the door behind him, "Blossom, I can't tell you much, but I can tell you that Brick is someone very important in your life" and that's when Blossom begins to have a vision.

'Don't cry, Blossom. I'll always be there when you need me' Brick is staring right into her eyes and he has on the same baseball cap since they were kids and the red hoodie looks similar, but what she doesn't get is how she can feel how unstable she is in the vision.

'No one is going to hurt you now'

The last sentence has Blossom's eyes light up bright pink and her body trembles as if she couldn't control herself, "Oh no," the Professor whispers and grabs her daughter to whisper calming words that'll have her snapping out of the vision.

The vision must've been a bad one she had experience. After a few more seconds, Blossom's body stops trembling and her eyes turn back to normal but she's gasping for air.

The Professor now knows positively that his daughters can't know about their marriage with the ruff or that they have a child, they need to figure it out on their own and that could take probably forever unless the ruffs try to fix it.

Blossom seems to almost figure out her past and looks curious to know more about Brick which is a good thing because doing that can have her remember on her own. Blossom knew more about Brick when they started to get serious in their relationship and by the time they got married, Blossom knew everything about him and so did Brick.

The Professor lays his daughter on the couch and goes to the kitchen to call Brick and the Professor knows he'll be happy to hear that she's almost figuring out her past, but he obviously isn't going to tell him about the Portrait.

Once Brick answers up the phone, the Professor explains everything to him and Brick feels heart broken to know about Blossom's incident. He asks if he could see her, but the Professor tells him she needs to rest and Brick is the last face she wants to see right now after what she must've saw in her vision.

Brick agrees and understands, but he'll see her tomorrow and try to find ways to help her past because Brick knows about the pain and trauma she had around college before they got together. It took long for her to recover and he guesses that the recent vision must've been something related to it.

After a few more minutes of talking, Brick hangs up and he dials down the phone number he's not too fond off.

A few more rings and finally a voice speaks.


"Hello Berserk"

"What do you want?"


To be Continued....❤️

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