it's hot sauce¹

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the tall, dim-looking grey building grew closer in view, renjun eyeing it from the car window. "that's the place."

"really?" donghyuck muttered, glancing over at renjun with furrowed eyebrows. it looked a bit off, not just rather old. it was out on the outskirts of town, standing haunting above them as it casted a huge shadow down upon them.

"yeah," renjun turned on his phone, leaning to the side a bit to show his screen that displayed the exact same building — the same grey, dim appearance. "this is the exact same. completely identical. i wouldn't tell you to take me to the wrong place."

"i know you wouldn't," donghyuck retorted with a quirk of his mouth. "it's just... it gives me bad vibes," he drove closer to the small car park. "just look at it."

renjun gave it another look. "i see nothing wrong with it. if something was, you'd think something would be done about it. it's just old, that's all there is to it."

the car stops once donghyuck parks it, renjun immediately unbuckling his seatbelt and opening the passenger car door to get his stuff from the trunk.

donghyuck followed suit, pressing the button on his car key to open it. "i just really care about you, jun."

renjun decided to ignore that. yeah, he understands being worried about your friend that you've known for years, but this time renjun thought it was beyond ridiculous. "anyways, i know i've already said this several times but sorry for crashing at yours and mark's place for a whole month."

donghyuck seemed to forget what he had been pressing on about earlier, shaking his head, "no need to apologise. shit happens and you just needed time to get back on your feet."

renjun took out the the last of his stuff. it thankfully worked. "hm, that's all."

"do you need help getting all that upstairs?" donghyuck asked. "or— ?"

"i can handle it," renjun retorted, closing the trunk with a free hand before grabbing onto the suitcase. "you can drive on home to your markiepooh now."

donghyuck suddenly went red in the face. "how the fuck do you know i— ?" he paused. "never mind."

he headed back to the driver's side, opening the car door. "you be good, alright? call me and mark over some time so we can see your new place."

"will do, hyuckiepooh," renjun said with a grin, earning a death glare from the other. damn, if looks could kill.

"don't call me that," the male said with a frown before getting into his car and driving off. well, not before giving renjun's new home another wary look.

renjun sighed, looking at the tall building above him. when staying over at donghyuck's and mark's place for a good whole month, he's been searching for a new flat to live in after he got kicked out his last one.

there was one last room open and to top it all off, the rent was surprisingly cheap. just the hope renjun needed, being rather low on money.


renjun heaved his suitcase up the last step with a huff, looking up to see another red door. "is that the place?"

as he said that, it conveniently opened, revealing an old, kind looking woman wearing a purple apron over a cream coloured dress. "ay! i knew i heard someone. ¡hola!"

renjun smiled. "hello. i just brought a room here recently. is this where it is?"

"sí," she nodded. "yes, yes, come in, niño."

she turned on her heel, walking inside. renjun followed behind her, glancing around. it was an improvement over the plain grey walls of the staircase, the walls a dark shade of blue. in front was an office with to his left being a place to eat while to his right where the line of rooms.

"what's your name, dear?" she asked, heading over to the office.

"huang renjun," he answered, stopping his movements and standing nearby. she remained in the office for a bit, leaving the door wide open.

"just call me mrs. na," she spoke again in her almost stereotypical grandma voice. after some more rumbling around, she walked out again with a key. "here you go," she gave him the key with a small number three engraved onto the metal. "your room is three."

"thank you, mrs. na," renjun said politely. she smiled, showing off her teeth. he may be seeing things, but two of them looked rather sharp. but then, there's lots of people who have happen to have those kind of teeth.

"de nada, renjun," she said sweetly. "also," she quickly added before he turned to leave. "why don't you come to the cafeteria once you get settled. it's a great chance to meet your neighbours."

renjun shrugged. "sure, why not."


renjun stared down at the plate of fresh chocolate chip cookies, inhaling the sweet scent. there were exactly three plates full of cookies he could choose from.

renjun ran his tongue across his bottom lip, grabbing one of the empty plates and picking up three to eat.

there were a bit easily broken, two of them instantly breaking into two halves as soon as they touched the plate.

renjun turned around on his heel, heading for one of the many open seats to sit on. there's a lot of seats... how many people live here?

he should've been saw other people for that many seats to be scattered around, yet he hadn't met a single person. the building was empty but for him and the old lady.

was she hallucinating other people living here?

"hi!" came a sudden voice. renjun nearly fell out of his seat in surprise, his eyes widening at the newcomer as he basically slammed his plate down on the white table.

his eyes were as black as his hair, the corners of his mouth curled into a cheerful smile. his skin was also rather pale, as if he hadn't seen the sun in days. to finish it all off, there was something red staining his lips. dark red.

"h-hello," renjun muttered, trying to act like he hadn't just scared the shit out of him. i swear i didn't even hear him coming. "you're one of my new neighbours i assume."

"yep, i like meeting new people," the other (very attractive) man retorted, keeping the same cheerful tone. "i'm na jaemin."

did the guy not notice the stuff on his mouth? "huang renjun," renjun responded before lifting a finger to point at his own mouth. "there's something on your face."

"there is?" jaemin tilted his head to the side. "where?"

"your lips," renjun gestured to his mouth again. "there something red-"

"oh! it's just hot sauce!" jaemin says, rather panicked almost. he wiped some of it off and licked off his finger. "mmm... i love hot sauce. sometimes i have too much."

renjun nodded slowly. "uh-huh."

"well, i hope we can be friends and whatnot," jaemin went on. "bye!"

he ran off, leaving behind his plate of cookies. renjun watched his retreating back with a confused expression. "what?"

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