renjun & jeno¹²

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when jaemin came back from renjun's after giving him a glass of water to ease the headache pain, jeno still seemed to be in a bad mood for whatever reason.

"where were you?" he asked, taking a seat on the couch with a certain glint in his dark eyes.

"all i did was give renjun water," jaemin said carefully, tiptoeing around the other looking for an excuse to push his buttons.

"oh, at one point, you thought being alone with renjun was the worst thing you could do," jeno muttered with that same tone jaemin recognised from before. never mind — it didn't work.

"are you still mad at me for telling you to fuck off?" he shot back. "you're so goddamn petty over the smallest shit."

"i can say the same about you whenever you make even of the smallest mistakes," jeno countered, still keeping an almost scarily calm tone. "you once accidentally spilled blood on my shirt, i got upset at you for a day while you sulked about it for a good two whole days, thinking i hated you or something."

"i was eight," was the only excuse jaemin had to say. he was extremely embarrassed that jeno remembered that from years ago. he did, admittedly, stupidly stay curled up under the covers of his bed after that incident, thinking jeno detested him just for that.

"and? complaining about me being petty, you don't take shit that well either," jeno concluded.

jaemin wasn't originally looking for an argument, but he snapped back without thinking. "well, at least i don't say things on purpose to make people upset!"

jeno's eyes didn't flash red in anger. they never do. "sorry, i have a hard time forgetting things."

their second argument and it wasn't even several days apart.

"then, i hope you can fuck off and not forgot i don't want to talk to you," jaemin hissed, his own eyes going red.

"then i'll go to renjun's" jeno's words were like a knife stabbing into jaemin's heart. once again, that same feeling of burning jealousy reappeared, worse than ever.

he swallowed. "then go. i know you didn't forget i don't give a shit about who you hang out with, jeno. just fuck off."

your feelings give a shit.

the other vampire stayed quiet, getting up and leaving the room. not without purposely pushing jaemin backwards by hitting his shoulder against his.

jaemin wanted so badly to punch the living daylights out of him.


renjun was about to settle to sleep that night, feeling way better than he did earlier, with that aching headache faded away and gone.

he moved the covers off of his bed to climb in we he heard three knocks on his door. with an annoyed huff, he turned away from what he desired very much to lay in and walked to his door to answer it.

it was jeno.

"can i stay here for the night?" jeno asked, almost hopefully.

"sure," renjun nodded, letting him in and closing the door behind him. they ended up in renjun's bed, jeno's arms around his waist once more while his head rested near his lap with his eyes closed.

renjun simply rested his hands on either side of himself, glancing down at the vampire laying on top of him. "don't mean to be nosy, but did something happen? you and jaemin kept glaring at each other."

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