a new life²⁶

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jaemin handed renjun the bag of blood, who gave it a look. this is what he has to drink for the rest of his life now.

he opened the bag, inhaling the scent. he never thought there would be a day he found the smell of blood delicious but it's whatever at this point.

he brought it up to his mouth, taking a tiny sip of the dark red liquid. once it hit his tongue, he was hit with the best taste ever. that usual metallic taste was actually pleasant.

"woah, you look like you enjoy it," jaemin commented with a grin. jeno hid his snicker with a hand.

"well, i am a vampire now," renjun reminded him before downing more of the blood. more and more until the whole bag was empty.

is that how jeno and jaemin felt? he thought, thinking about how he felt once he woke up this morning, feeling an uncomfortable feeling of thirst clawing at this throat. it was soon followed by the satisfied feeling of being full.

probably. most likely. okay, most definitely.

he did come to know why jaemin described the sun as bothersome, since he now had to close his blinds instead of having them open since he just felt extremely bothered.

"so," renjun leaned against jeno. "what else do vampires do?"

"avoid the outside and do other things humans consider normal," jaemin answered. "we're not that different, to be frank."

"yeah," jeno smirked before his voice lowered. "like fucking that arse of you-"

"you fucking horndog," renjun stopped leaning on the fellow vampire to shove him off the bed.

"ow," jeno whined. "jaemin, renjun's being mean."

"just stop being horny," jaemin giggled in response, watching as he got back onto the bed with an amused expression.

"hm," jeno pouted, pulling renjun back close to him. "oh wait! your friends."

"oh yeah," renjun realised. they didn't know he was a vampire now.

"how are you going to tell them?" jaemin asked curiously.

"i have an idea," he retorted after a few moments of silence. he went to get his phone, heading to the face time app to call mark, hoping he'd pick up.

he thankfully did.

"hey mark," renjun smiled, making sure not to show his teeth.

"hey, we haven't talked in awhile," mark commented softly. "how you been?"

"good," renjun replied. "look, i'm sorry about our fight that day. i understand you and hyuck caring about me. i really do, since i care about you."

"i know he's sorry too," mark said after awhile. "hyuck's just stubborn."

"he is," renjun laughed, looking over at his lovers before looking back at his best friends. "look, there's something i need to tell you."

"is it your appearance?" mark asked. "i noticed."

"yeah, i'm a vampire now," renjun opened his mouth.

"holy shit," was all mark said.


dejun heads up to the cash register, waiting to take the next order. but as no one came up, he quickly grew bored. a guy already hit on him exactly an hour ago and he had to bluntly tell him he wasn't interested instead of being nice, as he usually was.

as he glanced off to stare at one of the many paintings on the walls, he saw a couple, dreamily smiling at each other. he felt a pang of jealousy — if only.

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